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HyperCloud Load-Balancer Configuration


The HyperCloud Load-Balancer appliance provides a front-end for one or more back-end web servers allowing traffic to be balanced across these. TLS termination is also provided, allowing HTTPS encapsulation to be offloaded to the load balancer. Lets Encrypt can be utilized to provide free and secure TLS certificates that are compatible with all operating systems and browsers.

Configuration is specified as a MIME base64 encoded zlib deflated JSON array encoded in UTF-8.

Each element of the array is an object describing a configuration item, usually a server.

This configuration blob should be placed in a virtual machine's user template attribute called HYPERCLOUD_LOADBALANCER_CONFIG


If Let's Encrypt public certificates are desired, created a user template attributed called HYPERCLOUD_LOADBALANCER_LETSENCRYPT_PUBLIC_BOOLEAN and set the value to YES.

If there is a desire for the SSL certificates to be persistent, be sure to attach a 1 GB blank disk to the VM prior to boot.

    Secret: <<string: default: generated>>: A unique secret for this load balancer group.
    Listen: <<int (1-65535)>>: Port for this server to listen on.  Required.
    SSLServer:  If present, this server is a TLS server
            Provider: <<string: option: letsencrypt, selfsign>>: Automatically obtain
                      a certificate, either from Lets Encrypt or use a self-signed
                      certificate.  Required.
            Domain: <<string>>: Domain for the certificate to contain.
            Domains: [<<string>>]: Domains for the certificate to contain.  Not used
                     Domain is specified.  If neither Domain nor Domains is specified
                     a callback mechanism is used to automatically determine this.
        Key: <<string: PEM encoded RSA private key, PKCS#1 v1.5>>
        Certificate: <<string: PEM encoded certificate, X.509>>
        Chain: <<string: PEM encoded certificates, X.509>>: Key, Certificate, and Chain
               are used only if the Auto attribute is missing.  Both Key and Certificate
               are then required.  Chain is optional.
    ListenMode: <<string: option: http, tcp; default: http>>: Type of server
    ConnectMode: <<string: option: http, http-tls, tcp, tcp-tls; default: http>>: Type of
                 client.  The server must be of a corresponding type.
    SourcePath: <<string: default: />>
    DestinationPath: <<string: default: />>:  If SourcePath and DestinationPath differ then
                     the URL request is rewritten before passing it from the client to the
    DestinationMaxClients: <<int>>: Maximum number of clients to balance onto a single
            Role: <<string>>: Name of the role in the orchestrator
            Port: <<int (1-65535)>>: Port to connect to
            DestinationMaxClients: As above
            ConnectMode: As above
            Id: <<string|int>>: Name or ID of VM in this service
            Port: <<int (1-65535)>>: Port to connect to
            DestinationMaxClients: As above
            ConnectMode: As above
            IPv4: <<boolean: default: true>>: Use IPv4 addresses found for this
            IPv6: <<boolean: default: true>>: Use IPv6 addresses found for this
            Hostname: <<string>>: The name of the host to resolve.  Required.
            Port: <<int (1-65535)>>: Port to connect to
            DestinationMaxClients: As above
            ConnectMode: As above
            IP: <<string>>: The IP address to connect to.
            Port: <<int (1-65535)>>: Port to connect to
            DestinationMaxClients: As above
            ConnectMode: As above
        <<string: ip:port>>: A raw IP:port string.  IPv6 addresses should be enclosed
                             in square brackets
        ConnectMode: As above
        SourcePath: As above
        DestinationPath: As above
        DestinationMaxClients: As above
        Destination: As above
        <<int>>: Specifies a port to redirect to.  If this form is used, below are
        URL: <<string>>: Complete URL to redirect to, if this form is used, below
             are ignored
        Scheme: <<string>>: Scheme to redirect to, e.g., "http" or "https"
        Port: <<int>>: Port to redirect to
        Host: <<string>>: Host to redirect to
        Path: <<string>>: Path to redirect to.  If any of Scheme, Port, Host, or Path
              are omitted the current URL value is retained for that part.
        <<string>>: Two-character ISO 3166 Country Code.  If present, will redirect to this
                        backend if source IP is from this country.  Optional.
            "v1/Server": {
                "Secret": <<string>>,
                "Listen": <<int (1-65535)>>,
                "ListenMode": <<string option: http, tcp>>,
                "ConnectMode": <<string option: http, http-tls, tcp, tcp-tls>>,
                "SourcePath": <<string>>,
                "DestinationPath": <<string>>,
                "Location": {
                    "ConnectMode": <<string>>,
                    "SourcePath": <<string>>,
                    "DestinationPath": <<string>>,
                    "DestinationMaxClients": <<int>>,
                    "Destination": <<object>>
                "Destination": [
                    {"ServiceRole": {
                        "Role": <<string>>,
                        "Port": <<int (1-65535)>>,
                        "DestinationMaxClients": <<int>>,
                        "ConnectMode": <<string>>
                    {"VM": {
                        "Id": <<string|int>>,
                        "Port": <<int (1-65535)>>,
                        "DestinationMaxClients": <<int>>,
                        "ConnectMode": <<string>>
                    {"Hostname": {
                        "IPv4": <<boolean>>,
                        "IPv6": <<boolean>>,
                        "Hostname": <<string>>,
                        "Port": <<int (1-65535)>>,
                        "DestinationMaxClients": <<int>>,
                        "ConnectMode": <<string>>
                    {"IPPort": {
                        "IP": <<string>>,
                        "Port": <<int (1-65535)>>,
                        "DestinationMaxClients": <<int>>,
                        "ConnectMode": <<string>>
                    <<string: ip:port>>
                "DestinationMaxClients": <<int>>,
                "SSLServer": {
                    "Auto": {
                        "Provider": <<string option: letsencrypt, selfsign>>,
                        "Domain": <<string>>,
                        "Domains": [ <<string>> ],
                    "Key": <<string: PEM encoded RSA private key, PKCS#1 v1.5>>,
                    "Certificate": <<string: PEM encoded certificate, X.509>>,
                    "Chain": <<string: PEM encoded certificates, X.509>>
                "Redirect": <<int>> | {
                    "URL": <<string>>,
                    "Scheme": <<string>>,
                    "Port": <<int (1-65535)>>,
                    "Host": <<string>>,
                    "Path": <<string>>
            "v1/Server": {


  1. Simple SSL Termination:

  2. JSON:

        "v1/Server" : {
            "Listen"      : 443,
            "Destination" : [""],
            "ConnectMode" : "http",
            "SSLServer"   : {
                "Auto" : {
                    "Provider" : "selfsign"
  3. Configuration Blob: eJyLruZSAAKlMkP94NSistQiJQUrBYgYWNwns7gkNU8JwrNSMDEx1kFIuqQWl2TmJZZk5ueBtEUrGRromegZ6hlbWRgoxSIpdM7Py0tNLvHNT0kFKVTKKCkpUEKSDw72gdmugGI/WNaxtCRfCUMYLBVQlF+WmQJxtVJxak5acWZ6nhKKulouVFYtV20sAAa9NtY=

  4. Possible HAProxy configuration snippet:

    frontend server0
            bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/ssl/lb-certificate-b960936e05134850bde4681bee3b90ddd717e805
            mode http
            http-request del-header SSL-Client-Cert
            default_backend backend_abc8fe5f4d319112a3d2cadeef29d7f106af58f5
    backend backend_abc8fe5f4d319112a3d2cadeef29d7f106af58f5
            mode http
            cookie LB_368F44A746AEF5A4BF64E4EAFA254BCFE2B063ED insert indirect nocache httponly
            server b0d0 check cookie fc9ae2f77251489c11a1b1b370d0b9648fbcb6b2