Locate Dashboard Admin Password
Before accessing the Dashboard password, you will need to be connected to the dashboard node. These instructions can be found at HyperCloud Dashboard Console IP.
After connecting to the node that is hosting the dashboard console, simply running the following commands to identify the generated admin password, which will be a long alphanumeric string:
Escape character is keyed by pressing: ctrl + \
root@hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001cfa:~# hypercloud-dashboard-console
Escape character is ^\
root@hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001cfa:~# exit
root@hypercloud-dashboard:/# cat /var/lib/one/.one/one_auth
These credentials can be used to login to the HyperCloud Dashboard GUI; for example, assuming the FQDN of the cluster is hypercloud.softiron.com
(substitute with dashboard IP).
Dashboard GUI:
HyperCloud Cloud Management:
Ceph Dashboard GUI: