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Virtual Machines are constructs within the Cluster that utilize resources and the established infrastructure to carry out tasks and provide Users with tools to accomplish these tasks. The HyperCloud resources necessary to instantiate a VM are CPU and Memory, supplied by the Compute and Storage nodes. Hosts represent these resources and give a quick overview of the Cluster ID, the Running VMs, the Allocated CPU and Memory.

Host List

A Template is required to instantiate a Virtual Machine. Acquiring a Template to build a VM can be achieved by a variety of methods, writing manually, downloading from the marketplace, or creating via the built-in wizard with an imported Image. For this example, the assumption is that the Template is already loaded into the Datastore and no retrieval will be necessary.

Navigate to the VMs List, and click the green + button.

Virtual Machine List

Select the desired Template from the list to instantiate.

Create VM List

Enter a name and input the require Memory, CPUs, and Disk space.

VM Wizard

Select the Network Interface for the VM; as well as, a Security Group to dictate the allowed inbound and outbound traffic.

NIC Selection Wizard

Security Group Selection

Return to the top of the screen and click the Green Create button to complete the instantiation process. There is now a pending VM in the list of VM Instances, which after several moments will be finished standing up and be ready for access.

VM List with New VM