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Cloud accounting data may attribute VMs to wrong Group


When running Cloud Accounting-related commands, VMs may be attributed to the wrong group, usually 0 (oneadmin).


When running hypercloud acct or hypercloud acct-csv commands, VMs show up in the wrong group even after confirming correct group ownership.

Root Cause

This issue is caused by truncated or missing VM history logs. This can be caused by many reasons, to include the dashboard running out of disk space when trying to create a VM history log, HyperCloud being restarted while creating a VM history log, or the dashboard being rebooted while trying to create a VM history log. Additional causes are being investigated.


Manually live migrate the impacted virtual machine to create new VM history. Alternatively, this issue may be worked around by performing the following command from the dashboard to reboot all compute nodes: hypercloud-reboot-cluster-live -compute


Last Modified: 06/03/2021
Last Modified By: Kenneth Van Alstyne <>
Status: Root Cause Found, Workaround Announced (No patch available.)
Known Affected Releases: All
Fossil Ticket ID: 18155227ca
Jira Ticket ID: CS-382