Windows Template Creation Example
This example is useful to build a Windows 10 Image that can be used within HyperCloud to create KVM-based Windows Virtual Machines. This tutorial is outlined for the GUI, but the same process can be accomplished via the CLI with the ISO files downloaded into a folder that the front end server can access: /dashboard/staging/tmp/
ISO Images
As seen in Creating Images, Images are put in the designated Datastore for use in building Templates; this is doubly important for a Windows Template, due to the lack of virtualization and contextualization drivers needed for instantiating a KVM-realized Windows Environment.
The necessary ISOs can be downloaded from the following links:
Windows 10 Installation ISO file. If you have a Windows Installation ISO that you want to use, replace that file in the steps laid out in the guide; otherwise, a Windows 10 evaluation ISO can be downloaded from:
Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation
VirtIO Drivers for Windows. VirtIO is a virtualization standard for network and disk device drivers. You can download the stable ISO of VirtIO drivers and additional software agents for Windows virtual machines running on KVM from:
Windows VM Contextualization. An add-on is needed to provide the contextualization package for the Windows guest VMs running in the cloud. With the provided contextualization parameters, the packages prepare the networking for running guest VMs, setting passwords, running custom start scripts, etc.
At this point, these files reside on the local machine and need to be uploaded to the HyperCloud for further use. This can be achieved via straightforward upload to the datastore or, without downloading to a local machine, by directing the Image Creation Wizard to the designated URL for direct download to Datastore.
Register and Create Images in the Datastore
If the files were directly downloaded from a URL, the wizard has registered and created them in the Datastore, and this step can be bypassed; however, if the files were first downloaded or stored on a local machine, then uploaded to the HyperCloud Storage, proceed with the steps below.
Under the Storage → Images Menu, select Create Image and start the GUI Wizard. The first Image to create is the Windows Installation ISO which will be classified as a CD-ROM. The Image is given a Name, Description (Optional), Type, designate the Datastore, and identify where the media is found. Below, the disk image media was stored in the Dashboard Staging folder and HyperCloud will pull the file from that pathway.
A URL can also be provided in that field; such as, for the VirtIO and Contextualization drivers needed (per URLs provided), preventing the need to first download to the local machine.
The VirtIO and the Contextualization Drivers will be the same procedure; similarly, you will use the CD-ROM Image Type designation.
These Images will not be immediately available for use as the system is loading and registering them in the Datastore; this process takes a few moments, but the Status will revert from LOCKED to READY, as seen below.
Finally, create an empty disk used for the installation of the operating system. This will need to be classed as a Generic Storage Datablock and marked as Persistent. This persistence severs the link between the original Image and any clones, allowing any modifications made to the clone to persist after Termination of the virtual device, and will allow the creation of the Template.
A Persistent Disk can only be used by only one device at a time.
Create a VM Template for Installation
Now that the Images have been registered in the Datastore, a VM will be needed to facilitate the merger of all the images into a singular Template that can be used to instantiate future VMs with ease.
Navigate to the Templates → VMs menu and click the Create Template to bring up the Wizard. Here you will need to enter the Name, Memory, and CPU allocations. Provide enough resources to install and run the OS (e.g. 16 GB RAM and 4 vCPUs, or more). Proceed to the next tab, Storage, to select the disks that will become associated with this Template.
On the Storage tab, add the Images as Disks to the Template.
- Disk 0: Windows 10 ISO
- Disk 1: VirtIO Drivers
- Disk 2: Contextualization Drivers
- Disk 3: Windows 10 (empty Datablock)
For the Datablock Disk creation (Disk 3, per example), you will need to select Advanced options, located below the list of available Images, and select VirtIO in the dropdown menu.
In the Network tab, select the Virtual Network to be associated with the VM and enter virtio
as the Default hardware model for the NIC.
Moving next to the OS & CPU tab, mark the Windows 10 ISO as the boot disk; as well as, the empty datablock. This has the installation media that will set up the OS and after the initial boot the datablock will be used as the Template and VM installation media.
If you are working with nested VMs, navigate to the CPU Model sub-menu under the OS & CPU tab, and select Host Passthrough
from the dropdown menu to assign the prior level Host Architecture and parameters. Also, if nested, the load-time in VNC will be slower.
On the Input/Output tab, select Tablet (Type) and USB (Bus) from their respective dropdown menus, which will allow interaction from the VNC window. Click to confirm and load these selections.
The Template is now ready to be created by pressing the green Create button in the top of the window. The Windows 10 VM Template is now available to be instantiated from the Templates → VMs menu.
Ensure that there are enough resources on the desired Host(s) before instantiating or the process of booting and installing will not progress.
Boot VM and Install Windows
From the VM Templates page, select the newly created Windows 10 Template and Instantiate the box. After a few moments, connect through VNC to the machine and follow the steps of installation.
Select Custom Installation, this will allow for the selection of the drivers attached via the created Images.
Load Drivers for Empty Disk
No discs will be available and you will need to load the drivers. Click the Load Driver button and select all VirtIO drivers; these will need to be installed to access the Windows Datablock Disk. The setup will progress and install the OS, this will take some time. Afterwards, the Wizard will restart the machine and proceed to the next step in the installation.
The Datablock Image is now available as an Unallocated Space drive. Select this drive and click Next to continue the installation.
Install Context Drivers
After the installation completes and the desktop environment is loaded, navigate to the PC and open the drive with the contextualization driver installer on it and double click to install them.
Install VirtIO Drivers
A few VirtIO drivers will be installed as well, for the network card and PCI device, that controls the memory ballooning. This will be achieved via the Device Manager under the Control Panel, right click on the Ethernet Controller and click Update Driver, then navigate to the VirtIO drive and have the manager search for the drivers. Repeat this process for the PCI Device.
Once the drivers have been installed, the OS can be shut down and the VM Terminated (Hard). This installation was performed on the empty Datablock Image that was classified as Persistent; therefore, these modifications will remain even with the shutting down of the VM. Now, we can go into the Images Menu and alter this Image from Datablock to Operating System and change the Persistence to No.
Finalize Windows VM Template
The ISO (CD-ROM), VirtIO, and Contextualization Images can be removed as disks under the Storage Tab from the VM Template, leaving the new OS Image (formerly Disk 3, generic storage datablock) as the only disk available to the Template, and the success can be tested by instantiating a new VM with the updated Template.