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hypercloud image - manages HyperCloud Images.


hypercloud image <command> [<args>] [<options>]


--adjust x,y,z            Adjust size to not truncate selected columns
--admin                   lock admin actions
--all                     lock all actions
-a, --append              Append new attributes to the current template
--csv                     Write table in csv format
--csv-del del             Set delimiter for csv output
-d, --datastore id|name   Selects the datastore
--decrypt                 Get decrypted attributes
-d, --delay x             Sets the delay in seconds for top command
--describe                Describe list columns
--description description Description for the new Image
--disk_type disk_type     Type of the image BLOCK, CDROM, RBD or FILE (for
                          others, check the documentation)
--dry                     Just print the template
--endpoint endpoint       URL of HyperCloud xmlrpc frontend
--expand [x=prop,y=prop]  Expands the columns size to fill the terminal.
                            For example: $hypercloud image list --expand
                            name=0.4,group=0.6 will expand name 40% and
                            group 60%. $hypercloud image list --expand name,group will
                            expand name and group based on its size. $hypercloud image
                            list --expand will expand all columns.
-f, --filter x,y,z        Filter data. An array is specified with
                          column=value pairs. Valid operators
                          =,!=,<,<=,>,>=,~ e.g. NAME=test (match name with
                          test) NAME~test (match every NAME containing the
                          substring 'test')
--format format           Format of the image (raw, qcow2, ...)
--fs filesystem           Filesystem to format the image (ext4, xfs, ...)
-h, --help                Show this message
-j, --json                Show the resource in JSON format
-l, --list x,y,z          Selects columns to display with list command
-c, --listconf conf       Selects a predefined column list
--manage                  lock manage actions
--name name               Name of the new image
--no_check_capacity       Check Datastore capacity. By Default: YES
--no-context              Do not add context when building from Dockerfile
--no-expand               Disable expand
--no-header               Hides the header of the table
--no-pager                Disable pagination
-n, --numeric             Do not translate user and group IDs
--operator operator       Logical operator used on filters: AND, OR.
                          Default: AND.
--password password       Password to authenticate with HyperCloud
--path path               Path of the image file
--persistent              Tells if the image will be persistent
--prefix prefix           Device prefix for the disk (eg. hd, sd, xvd or
--size size               Size in MB. Used for DATABLOCK type or SOURCE
                          based images.
--source source           Source to be used. Useful for not file-based
--target target           Device the disk will be attached to
--type type               Type of the new Image: OS, CDROM, DATABLOCK,
                          KERNEL, RAMDISK, CONTEXT
--use                     lock use actions
--user name               User name used to connect to HyperCloud
--vcenter_adapter_type vcenter_adapter_type 
                          Controller that will handle
                          this image in vCenter (lsiLogic, ide, busLogic).
                            For other values check the documentation
--vcenter_disk_type vcenter_disk_type 
                          The vCenter Disk Type of the image
                          for vCenter: THIN, THICK, ZEROEDTHICK (for
                          others, check the documentation)
-v, --verbose             Verbose mode
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
-x, --xml                 Show the resource in xml format
-y, --yaml                Show the resource in YAML format


  • chgrp <range|imageid_list> <groupid> Changes the Image group.

  • chmod <range|imageid_list> <octet> Changes the Image permissions.

  • chown <range|imageid_list> <userid> [<groupid>] Changes the Image owner and group.

  • chtype <range|imageid_list> <type> Changes the Image's type.

  • clone <imageid> <name> Creates a new Image from an existing one.

    • Valid options: datastore
  • create [<file>] Creates a new Image.

    • Valid options: datastore description disk_type dry format fs name no_check_capacity no_context path persistent prefix size source target type vcenter_adapter_type vcenter_disk_type


  • using a template description file:
hypercloud image create -d default centOS.tmpl
  • new image "arch" using a path:
hypercloud image create -d default --name arch --path /tmp/arch.img
  • new persistent image, OS type and qcow2 format:
hypercloud image create -d 1 --name ubuntu --path /tmp/ubuntu.qcow2 \
                --prefix sd --type OS --format qcow2 \
                --description "A OS plain installation" \
  • a datablock image of 400MB:
hypercloud image create -d 1 --name data --type DATABLOCK --size 400            
  • delete <range|imageid_list> Deletes the given Image.

  • disable <range|imageid_list> Disables the given Image.

  • dockerfile Create an image based on a Docker file.

    • Valid options: datastore description disk_type dry format fs name no_check_capacity no_context path persistent prefix size source target type vcenter_adapter_type vcenter_disk_type
  • enable <range|imageid_list> Enables the given Image.

  • list [<filterflag>] Lists Images in the pool.

    • valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand filter json list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • lock <range|imageid_list> Locks an Image to prevent certain actions defined by different levels. The show action will never be locked.

    • Valid states are: All.
    • Levels:
      • [Use]: locks Admin, Manage and Use actions.
      • [Manage]: locks Manage and Use actions.
      • [Admin]: locks only Admin actions.
    • Valid options: admin all manage use
  • nonpersistent <range|imageid_list> Makes the given Image non persistent. See hypercloud image persistent

  • orphans Shows orphans images (i.e images not referenced in any template).

  • persistent <range|imageid_list> Makes the given Image persistent. A persistent Image saves the changes made to the contents after the VM instance is shutdown (or in real time if a shared file system is used). Persistent Images can be used by only one VM instance at a time.

  • rename <imageid> <name> Renames the Image.

  • show <imageid> Shows information for the given Image .

    • Valid options: decrypt, json, xml, yaml
  • snapshot-delete <imageid> <snapshot_id> Deletes a snapshot from the image.

  • snapshot-flatten <imageid> <snapshot_id> Flattens the snapshot and removes all other snapshots in the image.

  • snapshot-revert <imageid> <snapshot_id> Reverts image state to a snapshot.

  • top [<filterflag>] Lists Images continuously.

    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand filter json list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • unlock <range|imageid_list> Unlocks an Image.

    • Valid states are: All.
  • update <imageid> [<file>] Update the template contents. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to modify the current content.

    • Valid options: append

Argument Formats

  • file Path to a file

  • filterflag

    • a, all all the known IMAGEs
    • m, mine the IMAGE belonging to the user in ONE_AUTH
    • g, group 'mine' plus the IMAGE belonging to the groups the user is member of
    • G, primary group the IMAGE owned the user's primary group
    • uid IMAGE of the user identified by this uid
    • user IMAGE of the user identified by the username
  • groupid HyperCloud GROUP name or ID.

  • imageid HyperCloud IMAGE name or ID.

  • imageid_list Comma-separated list of HyperCloud IMAGE names or IDs.

  • range List of ID's in the form 1,8..15.

  • text String.


  • userid HyperCloud USER name or ID.


HyperCloud Orchestrator

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