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hypercloud vcenter - vCenter import tool


hypercloud vcenter <command> [<args>] [<options>]


--cluster-ref cluster_ref Cluster ref to import
--config file             Configuration file for custom options
--copy copy               Import template as copy, 0/1
--csv                     Write table in csv format
-d, --datastore datastore_id HyperCloud datastore used
--use-defaults            Use defaults for answers to questions
--endpoint endpoint       URL of HyperCloud xmlrpc frontend
--folder folder           Import template in folder
-h, --help                Show this message
-h, --host host_id        HyperCloud host used to authenticate the
--linked_clone linked_clone 
                          Import template as linked clone, 0/1
--name name               Import template copy with name
-o, --object object       vCenter object: [datastores, templates,networks,
                          datastores, images, hosts]
--password password       Password to authenticate with HyperCloud
-p, --port port           vCenter API port, defaults to 443 (SSL) or 80
--user name               User name used to connect to HyperCloud
--vcenter vCenter         The vCenter hostname
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
--vpass password          The password for the user
--vuser username          The username to interact with vCenter


  • cleartags <vmid> Clears extra config tags from a vCenter VM, useful when a VM has been launched by HyperCloud and needs to be reimported.


Clean VM 15:

hypercloud vcenter cleargs 15

  • hosts Import vCenter clusters as HyperCloud hosts.
    • Valid options: cluster_ref defaults port vcenter vpass vuser


Get available clusters:

hypercloud vcenter hosts --vcenter <vcenter> --vuser <user> --vpass <pass>

  • import [<oid>] Import the the desired vCenter object.
    • Valid options: datastore host object


Importing first datastore:

hypercloud vcenter import -o templates -h <host_id>
Importing 2 concrete templates:
hypercloud vcenter import "vm-1252, vm-553, vm-1248" -o templates -h <host_id>
Importing a Image range:
hypercloud vcenter import 0..10 -o images -h <host_id> -d <ds-img_id>

  • import_defaults [<oid>] Import the the desired vCenter object.
    • Valid options: configuration copy datastore folder host linked_clone name object


Importing first datastore:

hypercloud vcenter import -o templates -h <host_id>
Importing 2 concrete templates:
hypercloud vcenter import "vm-1252, vm-553, vm-1248" -o templates -h <host_id>
Importing a Image range:
hypercloud vcenter import 0..10 -o images -h <host_id> -d <ds-img_id>

  • list Show a list with unimported vCenter objects.
    • Valid options: csv datastore host object port vcenter vpass vuser


Listing available templates:

hypercloud vcenter list -o templates -h <host_id>
Listing available images:
hypercloud vcenter list -o datastores -h <host_id> -d <ds-img_id>
Listing available clusters:
hypercloud vcenter list -o hosts --vcenter <IP> --vuser <U> --vpass <P>

  • list_all Show a list with unimported vCenter objects excluding all filters.
    • Valid options: csv datastore host object port vcenter vpass vuser


Listing networks including uplinks:

hypercloud vcenter list_all -o networks -h <host_id>

Argument Formats

  • file Path to a file.

  • range List of id's in the form 1,8..15.

  • text String.


HyperCloud Orchestrator

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