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Virtual network


hypercloud vnet - manages HyperCloud networks.


hypercloud vnet <command> [<args>] [<options>]


-a, --address_range ar_id ID of the address range
--adjust x,y,z            Adjust size to not truncate selected columns
--admin                   lock admin actions
--all                     lock all actions
-a, --append              Append new attributes to the current template
-c, --cluster id|name     Selects the cluster
--csv                     Write table in csv format
--csv-del del             Set delimiter for csv output
--decrypt                 Get decrypted attributes
-d, --delay x             Sets the delay in seconds for top command
--delete                  No recover action possible, delete the Virtual
--describe                Describe list columns
--endpoint endpoint       URL of HyperCloud xmlrpc frontend
--endpoint endpoint       URL of HyperCloud xmlrpc frontend
--expand [x=prop,y=prop]  Expands the columns size to fill the terminal.
                            For example: $hypercloud vnet list --expand
                            name=0.4,group=0.6 will expand name 40% and
                            group 60%. 
                            $hypercloud vnet list --expand name,group will
                            expand name and group based on its size. 
                            $hypercloud vnet list --expand will expand all columns.
--extended                Show info extended (it only works with xml
--failure                 Recover a Virtual Network by failing the pending
-f, --filter x,y,z        Filter data. An array is specified with
                          column=value pairs.
                          Valid operators: =,!=,<,<=,>,>=,~ 
                            e.g. NAME=test (match name with test) 
                            NAME~test (match every NAME containing the substring 'test')
--force                   Force execution of action, bypass the consistency
--gateway ip              IP of the gateway
-h, --help                Show this message
-h, --help                Show this message
-i, --ip ip               First IP address in . notation
-6, --ip6 ip6             First IPv6 address, in CIDR notation 
                            e.g. 2001::1/48
-g, --ip6_global ip6_pref IP6 global prefix
-u, --ip6_ula ip6_pref    IP6 ula prefix
-j, --json                Show the resource in JSON format
-k, --kilobytes           Show units in kilobytes
-l, --list x,y,z          Selects columns to display with list command
-c, --listconf conf       Selects a predefined column list
-m, --mac mac             First MAC address in : notation
--manage                  lock manage actions
-n, --name reservation name 
                          Name of the address reservation
--netmask mask            Netmask in dot notation
--no-expand               Disable expand
--no-header               Hides the header of the table
--no-pager                Disable pagination
-n, --numeric             Do not translate user and group IDs
--operator operator       Logical operator used on filters: AND, OR.
                            Default: AND.
--password password       Password to authenticate with HyperCloud
--password password       Password to authenticate with HyperCloud
--show-ar                 Show also AR templates
-s, --size size           Number of addresses
--success                 Recover a Virtual Network by succeeding the
                          pending action
--use                     lock use actions
--user name               User name used to connect to HyperCloud
--user name               User name used to connect to HyperCloud
-v, --verbose             Verbose mode
-v, --verbose             Verbose mode
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
--vlanid id               VLAN ID assigned
--vn_mad mad              Use this driver for the network
-x, --xml                 Show the resource in xml format
-y, --yaml                Show the resource in YAML format


  • addar <vnetid> [<file>] Adds an address range to the Virtual Network

    • Valid options: endpoint gateway help ip ip6 ip6_global ip6_ula mac netmask password size user verbose version vlanid vn_mad
  • chgrp <range|vnetid_list> <groupid> Changes the Virtual Network group.

  • chmod <range|vnetid_list> <octet> Changes the Virtual Network permissions.

  • chown <range|vnetid_list> <userid> [<groupid>] Changes the Virtual Network owner and group.

  • create <file> Creates a new Virtual Network from the given template file

    • Valid options: cluster
  • delete <range|vnetid_list> Deletes the given Virtual Network.

  • free <vnetid> <ar_id> Frees a reserved address range from the Virtual Network.

  • hold <vnetid> <ip> Holds a Virtual Network lease, marking it as used

    • Valid options: address_range endpoint help password user verbose version
  • list [<filterflag>] Lists Virtual Networks in the pool

    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand extended filter json kilobytes list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • lock <range|vnetid_list> Locks a Virtual Network to prevent certain actions defined by different levels. The show action will never be locked.

    • Valid states are: All.
    • Levels:
      • [Use]: locks Admin, Manage and Use actions.
      • [Manage]: locks Manage and Use actions.
      • [Admin]: locks only Admin actions.
    • Valid options: admin all manage use
  • orphans Shows orphan virtual networks (i.e virtual networks not referenced in any template).

  • recover <range|vmid_list> Recovers a Virtual Network in ERROR state or waiting for a driver operation to complete. The recovery may be done by failing, succeeding or retrying the current operation.
    YOU NEED TO MANUALLY CHECK THE VIRTUAL NETWORK STATUS, to decide if the operation was successful or not, or if it can be retried.

    • States for success/failure recovers: LOCK_CREATE, LOCK_DELETE state.
    • States for a retry recover: LOCK_CREATE, LOCK_DELETE state
    • States for delete: Any but READY
    • Valid options: delete failure success
  • release <vnetid> <ip> Releases a Virtual Network lease on hold

    • Valid options: address_range endpoint help password user verbose version
  • rename <vnetid> <name> Renames the Virtual Network.

  • reserve <vnetid> [<vnetid>] Reserve addresses from the Virtual Network. A new virtual network will be created to hold the reservation. Optionally, the reservation can be put on an existing VNET, as long as it contains a valid reservation from the same VNET

    • Valid options: address_range endpoint help ip ip6 mac name password size user verbose version
  • rmar <vnetid> <ar_id> Removes an address range from the Virtual Network

    • Valid options: force
  • show <vnetid> Shows information for the given Virtual Network.

    • Valid options: decrypt json show_ar xml yaml
  • unlock <range|vnetid_list> Unlocks a Virtual Network.

    • Valid states are: All.
  • update <vnetid> [<file>] Update the template contents. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to modify the current content.

    • Valid options: append
  • updatear <vnetid> <ar_id> [<file>] Update Address Range variables. SIZE, IP, MAC and TYPE cannot be updated

    • Valid options: append

Argument Formats

  • ar_id Integer.

  • file Path to a file.

  • filterflag

    • a, all all the known Virtual Networks
    • m, mine the VNET belonging to the user in ONE_AUTH
    • g, group 'mine' plus the VNET belonging to the groups the user is member of
    • G, primary group the VNET owned by the user's primary group
    • uid VNET of the user identified by this uid
    • user VNET of the user identified by the username
  • groupid HyperCloud GROUP name or ID.

  • range List of id's in the form 1,8..15.

  • text String.

  • userid HyperCloud USER name or ID.

  • vnetid HyperCloud VNET name or ID.

  • vnetid_list Comma-separated list of HyperCloud VNET names or IDs.


HyperCloud Orchestrator

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