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Dashboard Console Node IP

How to Grab an IP Address of a Node

The HyperCloud Dashboard Console is housed on a Virtual Machine within the Cluster on a designated compute node that will migrate around the Cluster if a node is altered or shut down, for any reason. This compute node's IP Address (and others) can be accessed from the Cluster-Control/Facts directory of the Dashboard. To locate this directory and IP, follow the steps below.

SSH into the Dashboard

The Dashboard of the Cluster will be at the designated dashboard endpoint, on the default SSH port 22.

Example: ssh root@ <dashboard IP provided at Cluster build>

Once logged into the Dashboard via SSH, the Cluster can be managed with hypercloud* commands similar to executions from the GUI. For instance:

root@hypercloud-dashboard:~# hypercloud host list
  ID NAME                           CLUSTER    TVM      ALLOCATED_CPU      ALLOCATED_MEM STAT
   1 hypercloud-compute-kvm-5455000 default      1     10 / 3200 (0%)  128M / 13.9G (0%) on  
   0 hypercloud-compute-kvm-5455000 default      0      0 / 3200 (0%)     0K / 5.9G (0%) on
root@hypercloud-dashboard:~# hypercloud host show 0

NAME                                                      IMPORT_ID  CPU     MEMORY
hypercloud-dashboard           02b5cc93-ca1c-422e-b481-4414bcea9de8    4       8192

The Cluster's compute nodes can be viewed, and the node that hosts the dashboard can be identified by locating the node with "hypercloud-dashboard" listed as a "Wild" VM.

Identify Node IPs

An initial survey of the cluster-control/facts directory shows all the contents, the _ip files contain the node IPs.

root@hypercloud-dashboard:~# ls /var/run/cluster-control/facts
authorized_keys                                     clusternode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001cfa_ip  computenode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001cd0_ip
cluster-compute-kvm-vlan                            clusternode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001d03_ip  computenode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001cfa_ip
cluster-name                                        clusternode_hypercloud-storage-1_ip                 computenode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001d03_ip
cluster-storage-vlan                                clusternode_hypercloud-storage-2_ip                 node-dashboard/
clusternode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff70017f8_ip  clusternode_hypercloud-storage-3_ip                 node-dashboard-ip
clusternode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff700185c_ip  computenode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff70017f8_ip  node-dashboard-network
clusternode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff700185f_ip  computenode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff700185c_ip  storage/
clusternode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001aa3_ip  computenode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff700185f_ip  switchfabric-mtu
clusternode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001abb_ip  computenode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001aa3_ip  topology/
clusternode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001cd0_ip  computenode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001abb_ip

Filtering out the rest of the contents shows all the files associated with the IPs of the storage and compute nodes within the system.

root@hypercloud-dashboard:~# ls /var/run/cluster-control/facts/*_ip
/var/run/cluster-control/facts/clusternode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff70017f8_ip  /var/run/cluster-control/facts/clusternode_hypercloud-storage-3_ip
/var/run/cluster-control/facts/clusternode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff700185c_ip  /var/run/cluster-control/facts/computenode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff70017f8_ip
/var/run/cluster-control/facts/clusternode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff700185f_ip  /var/run/cluster-control/facts/computenode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff700185c_ip
/var/run/cluster-control/facts/clusternode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001aa3_ip  /var/run/cluster-control/facts/computenode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff700185f_ip
/var/run/cluster-control/facts/clusternode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001abb_ip  /var/run/cluster-control/facts/computenode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001aa3_ip
/var/run/cluster-control/facts/clusternode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001cd0_ip  /var/run/cluster-control/facts/computenode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001abb_ip
/var/run/cluster-control/facts/clusternode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001cfa_ip  /var/run/cluster-control/facts/computenode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001cd0_ip
/var/run/cluster-control/facts/clusternode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001d03_ip  /var/run/cluster-control/facts/computenode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001cfa_ip
/var/run/cluster-control/facts/clusternode_hypercloud-storage-1_ip                 /var/run/cluster-control/facts/computenode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001d03_ip

View IP of Node

Viewing a file's data results in the IP(s) associated with the node. Below there are two IPs displayed, the first is the IP the node uses to communicate with the storage backend and the second IP is the compute IP used to communicate with the other compute nodes in the cluster.

root@hypercloud-dashboard:~# cat /var/run/cluster-control/facts/clusternode_hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001d03_ip

Connect to Node

In order to connect to these nodes SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-dashboard/agent.sock ssh -l root <IP> will need to be used as there is no password to login and this is purely key based authentication.

root@hypercloud-dashboard:~# SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-dashboard/agent.sock ssh -l root
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:BixhxaLUhJ560qwOU695yvvpEUgItMyHsl/72eP2U0k.
This key is not known by any other names.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts

Now we are connected to the node through the dashboard and verification of VMs running can be established; as well as, any controls via IPMI.

root@hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001d03:~# virsh list
 Id   Name       State
 2    one-5776   running
 22   one-3873   running
 25   one-5541   running
 36   one-5896   running
 44   one-5926   running
 46   one-5927   running

 root@hypercloud-compute-kvm-e0fff7001d03:~# ipmitool user list
ID  Name         Callin  Link Auth  IPMI Msg   Channel Priv Limit
1                    true    false      false      USER
2   ipmiusr          true    false      true       ADMINISTRATOR
3                    true    false      false      Unknown (0x00)
4                    true    false      false      Unknown (0x00)
5                    true    false      false      Unknown (0x00)
6                    true    false      false      Unknown (0x00)
7                    true    false      false      Unknown (0x00)
8                    true    false      false      Unknown (0x00)
9                    true    false      false      Unknown (0x00)
10                   true    false      false      Unknown (0x00)
11                   true    false      false      Unknown (0x00)