Product release information
Release Cadence
HyperCloud updates are released in general every quarter, typically around the end of March, June, September, and December. Major, API impacting releases are generally released as the June release. The prior major non-API-impacting release is supported for three months after the last major release is announced. Only the latest release of a major release branch is supported.
Release notes are generated for each release. Typically these release notes are emailed directly to a contact defined by the customer. The release notes will include any configuration guidance to address vulnerabilities.
SoftIron has the ability to e-mail impacted customers of new releases of software if a critical vulnerability is found. In addition, SoftIron has applied to be listed as a vendor to self-report to the NVD. This has been pending action from NIST or MITRE since 2022 Q3.
HyperCloud has very few tuneables as far as security, namely whether to use full-disk encryption (which requires a physical HSM) or enabling FIPS mode. Using various tuneable settings, customers have used tools such as OpenVAS, Nessus, and BURP Suite to perform security vulnerability scanning of the HyperCloud released software with great success.
Additionally, SoftIron reserves the right to amend the aforementioned policy and release schedule as it deems fit.