This command is used to configure iSCSI storage on the VM Squared cluster.
VMsquared:vmsquared\dashboard> manage-iscsi -h
VMsquared:vmsquared\dashboard> manage-iscsi iface -h
manage-iscsi iface: handle iSCSI initiator iface configuration
-a: address
-m: address net mask
-v: VLAN tag (optional)
-Z: Zap the interface
-h: help; this text
VMsquared:vmsquared\dashboard> manage-iscsi iqn -h
manage-iscsi iqn: handle initiator iqn
-h: help; this text
VMsquared:vmsquared\dashboard> manage-iscsi discovery -h
manage-iscsi discovery: handle portal discovery
-I: iface to use; e.g iscsi.7; see also 'list -i'
-p: the portal to scan
-C: commit recently discovered targets
-Z: zap recently discovered targets
-h: help; this text