Cluster Management
Managing the cluster is principally accomplished via Glasshouse, the management GUI, together with the Cloud Management GUI. In some cases, the user will need to SSH in to the dashboard console or host consoles.
The dashboard IP & cluster admin password are specified in the dashboard configuration step of the Installation guide.
Glasshouse Management GUI
Glasshouse can be accessed from the browser: https://<dashboard IP>/
Log into Glasshouse to create, manage, and share Virtual Machines.
Cloud Management GUI
This form is used to manage the VM Squared properties including: - Dashboard network configuration - VM Squared license file - SSH authorized keys
- Open a new browser tab and navigate to
- Edit the appropriate field
- Click the
Update Cluster Configuration
button to apply.
Dashboard Console
The dashboard console is an alternate way to manage the VM Squared cluster.
To login to the dashboard console, an appropriate SSH key must first be added as one of the Cluster SSH Authorized Keys.
The dashboard IP is specified in the dashboard configuration step of the Installation guide.
Log in as root: ssh root@<dashboard IP>
~ % ssh root@
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Welcome to your new VM Squared cluster!
Last login: Wed Mar 20 14:10:44 2024 from
Welcome to VMSquared!
Run "help" for supported commands
VMsquared:VM Squared Test\dashboard>
Cluster Authorized Keys
The Dashboard Console is authenticated using SSH keys. Add your public SSH key to the Cluster SSH Authorized Keys, or create a new key, using the following steps.
- Open a new browser tab and navigate to
. - Add the appropriate SSH keys to the
Cluster SSH Authorized Keys
text box. - Click the
Update Cluster Configuration
button to apply.
The new SSH keys will take a short time to propagate through the cluster.
Create a Public SSH Key
Before you can use key-based authentication, you will need to have a key on your own system.
From your local machine's terminal, use the following command to create a private (id_rsa
) and public (
) key pair:
Where -t rsa
enforces the RSA encryption algorithm and -b 4096
sets the key's length in bits.
You will be prompted to choose where to save the files and if you would like to protect the key with a passphrase. Press enter to skip these steps.
Once the command has finished, navigate to .ssh/
and open the file in your text editor of choice.
You can generate an SSH key on Windows 10 or later using the ssh-keygen command.
- Open a Powershell terminal window
- Run
ssh-keygen -b 4096
- Enter the passphrase if desired, or hit Enter to continue without a passphrase
- To get the contents of your public key, run
against the full path of the newly created public key
PS C:\Users\Administrator> ssh-keygen -b 4096
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (C:\Users\Administrator/.ssh/id_rsa):
Created directory 'C:\Users\Administrator/.ssh'.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in C:\Users\Administrator/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in C:\Users\Administrator/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:Kmos01FGD1/vYliJRwOczRQtoVwOlnNUk1MLgxU0p1M administrator@company
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 4096]----+
| .+O*OX+E |
| oo==X +O . |
|* = o.o=ooo= . |
|+O.o o o..o. |
| o +S. |
| . ..o . |
| o .. .. . |
|o +. . |
| +. |
Host Console
The host console is a limited way to manage some of the host-specific functions of the VM Squared cluster.
Host console access is typically through a hardware connection to the node. However, if the Dashboard is running then the ssh command is available as an alternative.
Moving on you may wish to: