Known Issues
Dashboard rebooting
The dashboard will reboot every few minutes unless you install a license.
Upgrading from v2.3.4
Upgrading from VM Squared v2.3.4 might generate the following issues:
- This occurs when the dashboard VM generates new SSH keys. This is only a warning and no action is required. The upgrade will proceed to be applied.
error writing "file...": I/O error
- This can occur when the floating services changes host. Remedial action: re-run the
- This can occur when the floating services changes host. Remedial action: re-run the
Renaming datastores
Do not rename datastores, as this will make them inaccessible. To restore access to the datastore, restore the datastore’s previous name. For the same reason, the system may fail to delete a datastore after it has recently been renamed. To successfully delete a renamed datastore, first refresh the application’s browser pane.
Primary Group membership
A user’s Group membership cannot currently be changed once the account has been created.
App visibility
Apps downloaded in VM Squared are assigned to the primary Admin user as their owner. Because of this, operators who are not logged in as the Admin user may not have permission to see these newly downloaded Apps.
Changing passwords
Standard users may not currently change their own passwords. Currently only admin users may change user passwords.
Deleting users
A user may be deleted, even if they are the sole owner of a cloud resource. To modify or manage those resources, ask an admin for assistance.
Also, deleting a user can affect how resource usage is logged for quota purposes, for groups to which the deleted user belonged.
Default CPU model for new VMs is not compatible with RHEL 9
The default CPU model for newly created VMs, if unspecified, is compatible with the x86-64-v1 ABI. Some newer Linux distributions, such as RHEL 9, require the x86-64-v2 ABI. Be sure to specify a newer CPU model explicitly in templates that may require this.
Scheduling rules in VM templates
Templates with scheduling rules pulled from a marketplace may not deploy properly. The system may interpret the field for scheduling rules as malformed.
VDC option selection
When creating a new VDC, multiple items cannot yet be selected for some options.
Virtual Network template limitations
Virtual Network templates (Templates > Network Templates) may be inspected, though the default template may not currently be edited through the Web UI, and new templates may not be created.
Single-host deployment limitations
If VM Squared is installed as a one-host deployment a single datastore is automatically created. Because the system insists on protecting its data with at least triple-replication, additional datastores may not be created until at least two more storage hosts have been added to the cluster. However, as more storage hosts are added to the deployment, the contents of the existing datastores will replicate across the space available until all data is protected through at least triple redundancy.
Graphs reporting -1
Some resource-usage bar graphs report low-end values of -1. This means to show that no quota has been set for that resource.
Admin: Changing a user’s password
As an admin user, to change a user’s password, go to Systems > Users and select the user. The user-details view has multiple tabs. Begin by selecting the Authentication tab, which presents a text field labeled Password.
1) Select and delete the contents of the password field. 2) Enter the new password. 3) Select Save Changes.
Even though the password has been saved, it will remain visible as entered until the Authentication view is refreshed. After that, the password will only appear in an obfuscated form.