SSH is commonly used to provide secure connectivity to Linux and Unix VMs once they are deployed.
When deploying UNIX VMs, the default behavior is to disable password authentication and only allow SSH key authentication. Before creation of such a VM, a public SSH key will need to be generated and pasted under the Settings of VM Squared.
Generate a public SSH key from the command line
Before you can use key-based authentication you will need to have a key on your own system.
From the local machine's terminal, use the following command to create a private (id_rsa
) and public (id_rsa.pub
) key pairing:
Where -t rsa
declares the RSA encryption algorithm and -b 4096
declares the encryption bit sizing.
You will be prompted to choose where to save the files and if you would like to include a passphrase. Just press enter to bypass these inputs.
Retrieve the public key and enter into your user settings
Once the command has run and returned to input, navigate to the file, .ssh/id_rsa.pub
and open it in your text editor of choice.
Navigate to your user settings page, and click on the SSH public key field.
Copy the public key to paste into the SSH public key field:
This is important to configure before beginning to create VMs because these key pairs are what allow a user to log into a VM.
The ssh key is injected when VM Squared first starts the VM.
Updating SSH key for other users
You can add SSH keys to the accounts for other users from the System -> Users page.
Select the user you want to update and choose the Authentication tab. Click Edit Public SSH Key to update the key
Oneadmin User Group
The members of the oneadmin
user group, who configure their SSH Key, are granted root
SSH access to the HyperCloud cluster Nodes and the Dashboard automatically.
It may take up to 6 minutes for a oneadmin
user SSH Key configuration update to propagate through the HyperCloud Cluster. The SSH access to their VMs is not affected.