
This command is used to configure and manage NFS datastores on the VM Squared cluster.

VMsquared:vmsquared\dashboard> manage-nfs

NFS Image Datastore Configuration
0) Quit
1) Create new datastore

Please select [0-1]:

When creating a new datastore, the user will be prompted to enter the name of the new datastore, and the path to the NFS server.

VMsquared:vmsquared\dashboard> manage-nfs

NFS Image Datastore Configuration
0) Quit
1) Create new datastore

Please select [0-1]:1
Configuring new image datastore on NFS
Enter a name for the datastore: nfs1
Enter the path of the NFS server for the datastore:
Testing NFS connection

NFS Image Datastore Configuration
0) Quit
1) Create new datastore
2) Delete nfs1

Please select [0-2]: