


vmsquared commands are deprecated and will be removed in a future VM Squared Release.

Usage: vmsquared <action> <arguments | --help>
Supported Actions: 
	acct | acct-csv | acl | cluster | datastore | group | host | image
	market | marketapp | secgroup | showback | template | user
	vcenter | vdc | vm | vnet | vntemplate | vrouter

The following commands are preceded by vmsquared, e.g. vmsquared acct:

acct        - Accounting
acl         - Access Control Lists
cluster     - Cluster Management
datastore   - Datastore Management
group       - Group Management
host        - Host Management
image       - Image Management
market      - Marketplaces
marketapp   - Marketplace Appliances
secgroup    - Network Security Groups
showback    - Showback
template    - VM Templates
user        - User Management
vcenter     - vCenter Import Tool
vdc.        - Virtual Datacenters
vm          - Virtual Machines
vnet        - Virtual Networks
vntemplate  - Virtual Network Templates
vrouter     -  Virtual Routers

vmsquared acct

VM Squared Accounting Tool


vmsquared acct [<options>]


--csv                     Write table in csv format
--describe                Describe list columns
-e, --end TIME            Last day of the data to retrieve
--endpoint endpoint       URL of VM Squared xmlrpc frontend
-g, --group group         Group name or id to filter the results
-h, --help                Show this message
-H, --host HOST           Host name or id to filter the results
-j, --json                Show the resource in JSON format
-l, --list x,y,z          Selects columns to display with list command
--password password       Password to authenticate with VM Squared
--split                   Split the output in a table for each VM
-s, --start TIME          First day of the data to retrieve
--user name               User name used to connect to VM Squared
-u, --userfilter user     User name or id to filter the results
-v, --verbose             Verbose mode
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
-x, --xml                 Show the resource in xml format
--xpath XPATH_EXPRESSION  Xpath expression to filter the results. For
                              example: vmsquared acct --xpath 'HISTORY[ETIME>0]'

Argument Formats

  • file Path to a file.
  • range List of ID’s in the form 1,8..15.
  • text String.

vmsquared acl

manages VM Squared ACLs

Synopsis vmsquared acl <command> [<args>] [<options>]


--adjust x,y,z            Adjust size to not truncate selected columns
--csv                     Write table in csv format
--csv-del del             Set delimiter for csv output
-d, --delay x             Sets the delay in seconds for top command
--describe                Describe list columns
--endpoint endpoint       URL of VM Squared xmlrpc frontend
--expand [x=prop,y=prop]  Expands the columns size to fill the terminal.
                          For example: $vmsquared acl list --expand
                          name=0.4,group=0.6 will expand name 40% and
                          group 60%. $vmsquared acl list --expand name,group will
                          expand name and group based on its size.
                          $vmsquared vm list --expand will expand all columns.
-f, --filter x,y,z        Filter data. An array is specified with
                          column=value pairs. Valid operators
                          =,!=,<,<=,>,>=,~ e.g. NAME=test (match name with
                          test) NAME~test (match every NAME containing the
                          substring 'test')
-h, --help                Show this message
-j, --json                Show the resource in JSON format
-l, --list x,y,z          Selects columns to display with list command
-c, --listconf conf       Selects a predefined column list
--no-expand               Disable expand
--no-header               Hides the header of the table
--no-pager                Disable pagination
--operator operator       Logical operator used on filters: AND, OR.
                          Default: AND.
--password password       Password to authenticate with VM Squared
-s, --size x=size,y=size  Change the size of selected columns. For example:
                          $ vmsquared acl list --size "USER=20" will make column
                          USER size 20.
--user name               User name used to connect to VM Squared
-v, --verbose             Verbose mode
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
-x, --xml                 Show the resource in xml format
-y, --yaml                Show the resource in YAML format


  • create <user|rulestr> [<resource>] [<rights>] Adds a new ACL rule.
  • delete <range> Deletes an existing ACL rule.
  • list Lists the ACL rule set.
    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand filter json list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager operator size xml yaml

Argument Formats

  • aclid_list Comma-separated list of VM Squared ACL names or IDs.
  • file Path to a file.
  • range List of ID’s in the form 1,8..15.
  • text String.

vmsquared cluster

manages VM Squared clusters.

Synopsis vmsquared cluster <command> [<args>] [<options>]


--adjust x,y,z            Adjust size to not truncate selected columns
-a, --append              Append new attributes to the current template
--csv                     Write table in csv format
--csv-del del             Set delimiter for csv output
--decrypt                 Get decrypted attributes
-d, --delay x             Sets the delay in seconds for top command
--describe                Describe list columns
--endpoint endpoint       URL of VM Squared xmlrpc frontend
--expand [x=prop,y=prop]  Expands the columns size to fill the terminal.
                          For example: $vmsquared cluster list --expand
                          name=0.4,group=0.6 will expand name 40% and
                          group 60%. $vmsquared cluster list --expand name,group will
                          expand name and group based on its size.
                          $vmsquared vm list --expand will expand all columns.
-f, --filter x,y,z        Filter data. An array is specified with
                          column=value pairs. Valid operators
                          =,!=,<,<=,>,>=,~ e.g. NAME=test (match name with
                          test) NAME~test (match every NAME containing the
                          substring 'test')
-h, --help                Show this message
-j, --json                Show the resource in JSON format
-l, --list x,y,z          Selects columns to display with list command
-c, --listconf conf       Selects a predefined column list
--no-expand               Disable expand
--no-header               Hides the header of the table
--no-pager                Disable pagination
-n, --numeric             Do not translate user and group IDs
--operator operator       Logical operator used on filters: AND, OR.
                              Default: AND.
--password password       Password to authenticate with VM Squared
-s, --size x=size,y=size  Change the size of selected columns. For example:
                          $ vmsquared cluster list --size "name=20" will make column
                          name size 20.
--user name               User name used to connect to VM Squared
-v, --verbose             Verbose mode
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
-x, --xml                 Show the resource in xml format
-y, --yaml                Show the resource in YAML format


  • adddatastore <clusterid> <datastoreid> Adds a Datastore to the given Cluster.
  • addhost <clusterid> <hostid> Adds a Host to the given Cluster.
  • addvnet <clusterid> <vnetid> Adds a Virtual Network to the given Cluster.
  • create <name> Creates a new Cluster.
  • deldatastore <clusterid> <datastoreid> Deletes a Datastore from the given Cluster.
  • delete <range|clusterid_list> Deletes the given Cluster.
  • delhost <clusterid> <hostid> Deletes a Host from the given Cluster.
  • delvnet <clusterid> <vnetid> Deletes a Virtual Network from the given Cluster.
  • list Lists Clusters in the pool.
    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand filter json list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • rename <clusterid> <name> Renames the Cluster.
  • show <clusterid> Shows information for the given Cluster.
    • Valid options: decrypt json xml yaml
  • update <clusterid> [<file>] Update the template contents. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to modify the current content.
    • Valid options: append

Argument Formats

  • clusterid VM Squared CLUSTER name or ID.
  • clusterid_list Comma-separated list of VM Squared CLUSTER names or IDs.
  • datastoreid VM Squared DATASTORE name or ID.
  • file Path to a file.
  • hostid VM Squared HOST name or ID.
  • range List of ID’s in the form 1,8..15.
  • text String.
  • vnetid VM Squared VNET name or ID.

vmsquared datastore

manages VM Squared datastores

Synopsis vmsquared datastore <command> [<args>] [<options>]


--adjust x,y,z            Adjust size to not truncate selected columns
-a, --append              Append new attributes to the current template
-c, --cluster id|name     Selects the cluster
--csv                     Write table in csv format
--csv-del del             Set delimiter for csv output
--decrypt                 Get decrypted attributes
-d, --delay x             Sets the delay in seconds for top command
--describe                Describe list columns
--endpoint endpoint       URL of VM Squared  xmlrpc frontend
--expand [x=prop,y=prop]  Expands the columns size to fill the terminal.
                          For example: $vmsquared datastore list --expand
                          name=0.4,group=0.6 will expand name 40% and
                          group 60%. $vmsquared datastore list --expand name,group will
                          expand name and group based on its size.$vmsquared datastore
                          list --expand will expand all columns.
-f, --filter x,y,z        Filter data. An array is specified with
                          column=value pairs. Valid operators
                          =,!=,<,<=,>,>=,~ e.g. NAME=test (match name with
                          test) NAME~test (match every NAME containing the
                          substring 'test')
-h, --help                Show this message
-j, --json                Show the resource in JSON format
-l, --list x,y,z          Selects columns to display with list command
-c, --listconf conf       Selects a predefined column list
--no-expand               Disable expand
--no-header               Hides the header of the table
--no-pager                Disable pagination
-n, --numeric             Do not translate user and group IDs
--operator operator       Logical operator used on filters: AND, OR.
                              Default: AND.
--password password       Password to authenticate with VM Squared 
-s, --size x=size,y=size  Change the size of selected columns. For example:
                          $ vmsquared datastore list --size "name=20" will make column
                          name size 20.
--user name               User name used to connect to VM Squared 
-v, --verbose             Verbose mode
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
-x, --xml                 Show the resource in xml format
-y, --yaml                Show the resource in YAML format


  • chgrp <range|datastoreid_list> <groupid> Changes the Datastore group.
  • chmod <range|datastoreid_list> <octet> Changes the Datastore permissions.
  • chown <range|datastoreid_list> <userid> [<groupid>] Changes the Datastore owner and group.
  • create <file> Creates a new Datastore from the given template file
    • Valid options: cluster
  • delete <range|datastoreid_list> Deletes the given Datastore.
  • disable <range|datastoreid_list> Disables the given Datastore. Only available for System Datastores.
  • enable <range|datastoreid_list> Enables the given Datastore. Only available for System Datastores.
  • list Lists Datastores in the pool.
    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand filter json list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • rename <datastoreid> <name> Renames the Datastore.
  • show <datastoreid> Shows information for the given Datastore.
    • Valid options: decrypt json xml yaml
  • update <datastoreid> [<file>] Update the template contents. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to modify the current content.
    • Valid options: append

Argument Formats

  • clusterid VM Squared CLUSTER name or ID.
  • datastoreid VM Squared DATASTORE name or ID.
  • datastoreid_list Comma-separated list of VM Squared DATASTORE names or IDs.
  • file Path to a file.
  • groupid VM Squared GROUP name or ID.
  • range List of ID’s in the form 1,8..15.
  • text String.
  • userid VM Squared USER name or ID.

vmsquared group

manages VM Squared groups

Synopsis vmsquared group <command> [<args>] [<options>]


--adjust x,y,z            Adjust size to not truncate selected columns
-d, --admin_driver driver Auth driver for the admin user of the group
-p, --admin_password pass Password for the admin user of the group
-u, --admin_user name     Creates an admin user for the group with name
-a, --append              Append new attributes to the current template
--csv                     Write table in csv format
--csv-del del             Set delimiter for csv output
-d, --delay x             Sets the delay in seconds for top command
--describe                Describe list columns
--endpoint endpoint       URL of VM Squared xmlrpc frontend
--expand [x=prop,y=prop]  Expands the columns size to fill the terminal.
                          For example: $vmsquared group list --expand
                          name=0.4,group=0.6 will expand name 40% and
                          group 60%. $vmsquared group list --expand name,group will
                          expand name and group based on its size.  $vmsquared group
                          list --expand will expand all columns.
-f, --filter x,y,z        Filter data. An array is specified with
                          column=value pairs. Valid operators
                          =,!=,<,<=,>,>=,~ e.g. NAME=test (match name with
                          test) NAME~test (match every NAME containing the
                          substring 'test')
-h, --help                Show this message
-j, --json                Show the resource in JSON format
-l, --list x,y,z          Selects columns to display with list command
-c, --listconf conf       Selects a predefined column list
-n, --name name           Name for the new group
--no-expand               Disable expand
--no-header               Hides the header of the table
--no-pager                Disable pagination
-n, --numeric             Do not translate user and group IDs
--operator operator       Logical operator used on filters: AND, OR.
                          Default: AND.
--password password       Password to authenticate with VM Squared
-r, --resources res_str   Which resources can be created by group users
                          (VM+NET+IMAGE+TEMPLATE by default)
-s, --size x=size,y=size  Change the size of selected columns. For example:
                          $ vmsquared group list --size "name=20" will make column
                          name size 20.
--user name               User name used to connect to VM Squared
-v, --verbose             Verbose mode
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
-x, --xml                 Show the resource in xml format
-y, --yaml                Show the resource in YAML format


  • addadmin <range|groupid_list> <userid> Adds a User to the Group administrators set.

  • batchquota <range|groupid_list> [<file>] Sets the quota limits in batch for various groups. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to create new quotas.

  • create [<group_name>] Creates a new Group. A group name can be passed as the only argument, or via command line arguments.


    Create a group with an admin user and allow group users to only create new templates and VMs

    vmsquared group create --name groupA
                           --admin_user admin_userA --admin_password somestr
                           --resources TEMPLATE+VM

    • Valid options: admin_driver admin_password admin_user name resources
  • defaultquota [<file>] Sets the default quota limits for the groups. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to modify the current default quotas.

  • deladmin <range|groupid_list> <userid> Removes a User from the Group administrators set.

  • delete <range|groupid_list> Deletes the given Group.

  • list Lists Groups in the pool

    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand filter json list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • quota <groupid> [<file>] Set the quota limits for the group. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to modify the current quotas.

  • show [<groupid>] Shows information for the given Group

    • Valid options: json xml yaml
  • update <groupid> [<file>] Update the template contents. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to modify the current content.

    • Valid options: append

Argument Formats

  • file Path to a file.
  • groupid VM Squared GROUP name or ID.
  • groupid_list Comma-separated list of VM Squared GROUP names or IDs.
  • range List of ID’s in the form 1,8..15.
  • text String.
  • userid VM Squared USER name or ID.

vmsquared host

manages VM Squared hosts.

Synopsis vmsquared host <command> [<args>] [<options>]


--adjust x,y,z            Adjust size to not truncate selected columns
-a, --append              Append new attributes to the current template
-c, --cluster id|name     Selects the cluster
--csv                     Write table in csv format
--csv-del del             Set delimiter for csv output
--decrypt                 Get decrypted attributes
-d, --delay x             Sets the delay in seconds for top command
--describe                Describe list columns
--end date                End date to show data
--endpoint endpoint       URL of VM Squared xmlrpc frontend
--expand [x=prop,y=prop]  Expands the columns size to fill the terminal.
                          For example: $vmsquared host list --expand
                          name=0.4,group=0.6 will expand name 40% and
                          group 60%. $vmsquared host list --expand name,group will
                          expand name and group based on its size. $vmsquared host
                          list --expand will expand all columns.
--extended                Show info extended (it only works with xml
-f, --filter x,y,z        Filter data. An array is specified with
                          column=value pairs. Valid operators
                          =,!=,<,<=,>,>=,~ e.g. NAME=test (match name with
                          test) NAME~test (match every NAME containing the
                          substring 'test')
--force                   Force probe upgrade in vmsquared host sync
-h, --help                Show this message
-i, --im im_mad           Set the information driver for the host
--ipv4 ip1,ip2            Comma separated IPV4 to set
--ipv6 ip1,ip2            Comma separated IPV6 to set
-j, --json                Show the resource in JSON format
-k, --kilobytes           Show units in kilobytes
-l, --list x,y,z          Selects columns to display with list command
-c, --listconf conf       Selects a predefined column list
--n elements              Number of records to show
--no-expand               Disable expand
--no-header               Hides the header of the table
--no-pager                Disable pagination
-n, --numeric             Do not translate user and group IDs
--operator operator       Logical operator used on filters: AND, OR.
                          Default: AND.
--password password       Password to authenticate with VM Squared
-s, --size x=size,y=size  Change the size of selected columns. For example:
                          $ vmsquared host list --size "name=20" will make column
                          name size 20.
--ssh                     Use SSH to synchronize remotes. In case some
                          probes are no longer in the fronted they will be
                          deleted in the hosts.
--start date              Start date to show data
--table                   Show monitoring information in table format
-t, --type remote_provider Use type to create a host using Cloud Bursting
--unit unit               Unit to format data
--user name               User name used to connect to VM Squared
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
-v, --vm vmm_mad          Set the virtualization driver for the host
-x, --xml                 Show the resource in xml format
-y, --yaml                Show the resource in YAML format


  • create <hostname> [<file>] Creates a new Host.
    • Valid options: cluster im type vm
  • delete <range|hostid_list> Deletes the given Host.
  • disable <range|hostid_list> Disables the given host:
    • monitor: enabled
    • scheduler deployment: disabled
    • manual deployment: enabled
  • enable <range|hostid_list> Enables the given host, fully operational.
  • flush <range|hostid_list> Disables the host and reschedules all the running VMs in it.
  • forceupdate [<range|hostid_list>] Forces host monitoring update.
    • Valid options: cluster


      Force updates:

      vmsquared host forceupdate host01
      vmsquared host forceupdate host01,host02,host03
      vmsquared host forceupdate -c myCluster
  • importvm <hostid> <name> Import VM to VM Squared.
    • Valid options: ipv4 ipv6
  • list Lists Hosts in the pool
    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand extended filter json kilobytes list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • monitoring <hostid> <attr> Show monitoring metrics in a graphic
    • Valid options: csv end n_elems start table unit
  • offline <range|hostid_list> Sets the host offline:
    • monitor: disabled
    • scheduler deployment: disabled
    • manual deployment: disabled
  • rename <hostid> <name> Renames the Host.
  • show <hostid> Shows information for the given Host
    • Valid options: decrypt json xml yaml
  • sync [<range|hostid_list>] Synchronizes probes in /var/lib/one/remotes ($ONE\_LOCATION/var/remotes in self-contained installations) with Hosts.
    • Valid options: cluster force ssh


vmsquared host sync
vmsquared host sync -c myCluster
vmsquared host sync host01,host02,host03
  • top Lists Hosts continuously.
    • Valid options: adjust, csv, csv_del, delay, expand, extended, filter, json kilobytes list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • update <hostid> [<file>] Update the template contents. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to modify the current content.
    • Valid options: append

Argument Formats

  • file Path to a file.
  • hostid VM Squared HOST name or ID.
  • hostid_list Comma-separated list of VM Squared HOST names or IDs.
  • range List of ID’s in the form 1,8..15.
  • text String.

vmsquared image

manages VM Squared Images.

Synopsis vmsquared image <command> [<args>] [<options>]


--adjust x,y,z            Adjust size to not truncate selected columns
--admin                   lock admin actions
--all                     lock all actions
-a, --append              Append new attributes to the current template
--csv                     Write table in csv format
--csv-del del             Set delimiter for csv output
-d, --datastore id|name   Selects the datastore
--decrypt                 Get decrypted attributes
-d, --delay x             Sets the delay in seconds for top command
--describe                Describe list columns
--description description Description for the new Image
--disk_type disk_type     Type of the image BLOCK, CDROM, RBD or FILE (for
                          others, check the documentation)
--dry                     Just print the template
--endpoint endpoint       URL of VM Squared xmlrpc frontend
--expand [x=prop,y=prop]  Expands the columns size to fill the terminal.
                          For example: $vmsquared image list --expand
                          name=0.4,group=0.6 will expand name 40% and
                          group 60%. $vmsquared image list --expand name,group will
                          expand name and group based on its size. $vmsquared image
                          list --expand will expand all columns.
-f, --filter x,y,z        Filter data. An array is specified with
                          column=value pairs. Valid operators
                          =,!=,<,<=,>,>=,~ e.g. NAME=test (match name with
                          test) NAME~test (match every NAME containing the
                          substring 'test')
--format format           Format of the image (raw, qcow2, ...)
--fs filesystem           Filesystem to format the image (ext4, xfs, ...)
-h, --help                Show this message
-j, --json                Show the resource in JSON format
-l, --list x,y,z          Selects columns to display with list command
-c, --listconf conf       Selects a predefined column list
--manage                  lock manage actions
--name name               Name of the new image
--no_check_capacity       Check Datastore capacity. By Default: YES
--no-context              Do not add context when building from Dockerfile
--no-expand               Disable expand
--no-header               Hides the header of the table
--no-pager                Disable pagination
-n, --numeric             Do not translate user and group IDs
--operator operator       Logical operator used on filters: AND, OR.
                          Default: AND.
--password password       Password to authenticate with VM Squared
--path path               Path of the image file
--persistent              Tells if the image will be persistent
--prefix prefix           Device prefix for the disk (eg. hd, sd, xvd or
--size size               Size in MB. Used for DATABLOCK type or SOURCE
                          based images.
--source source           Source to be used. Useful for not file-based
--target target           Device the disk will be attached to
--type type               Type of the new Image: OS, CDROM, DATABLOCK,
                          KERNEL, RAMDISK, CONTEXT
--use                     lock use actions
--user name               User name used to connect to VM Squared
--vcenter_adapter_type vcenter_adapter_type 
                          Controller that will handle
                          this image in vCenter (lsiLogic, ide, busLogic).
                          For other values check the documentation
--vcenter_disk_type vcenter_disk_type 
                          The vCenter Disk Type of the image
                          for vCenter: THIN, THICK, ZEROEDTHICK (for
                          others, check the documentation)
-v, --verbose             Verbose mode
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
-x, --xml                 Show the resource in xml format
-y, --yaml                Show the resource in YAML format


  • chgrp <range|imageid_list> <groupid> Changes the Image group.

  • chmod <range|imageid_list> <octet> Changes the Image permissions.

  • chown <range|imageid_list> <userid> [<groupid>] Changes the Image owner and group.

  • chtype <range|imageid_list> <type> Changes the Image’s type.

  • clone <imageid> <name> Creates a new Image from an existing one.

    • Valid options: datastore
  • create [<file>] Creates a new Image.


    • Valid options: datastore description disk_type dry format fs name no_check_capacity no_context path persistent prefix size source target type vcenter_adapter_type vcenter_disk_type
  • delete <range|imageid_list> Deletes the given Image.

  • disable <range|imageid_list> Disables the given Image.

  • dockerfile Create an image based on a Docker file.

    • Valid options: datastore description disk_type dry format fs name no_check_capacity no_context path persistent prefix size source target type vcenter_adapter_type vcenter_disk_type
  • enable <range|imageid_list> Enables the given Image.

  • list [<filterflag>] Lists Images in the pool.

    • valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand filter json list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • lock <range|imageid_list> Locks an Image to prevent certain actions defined by different levels. The show action will never be locked.

    • Valid states are: All.
    • Levels:
      • [Use]: locks Admin, Manage and Use actions.
      • [Manage]: locks Manage and Use actions.
      • [Admin]: locks only Admin actions.
    • Valid options: admin all manage use
  • nonpersistent <range|imageid_list> Makes the given Image non persistent. See vmsquared image persistent

  • orphans Shows orphans images (i.e images not referenced in any template).

  • persistent <range|imageid_list> Makes the given Image persistent. A persistent Image saves the changes made to the contents after the VM instance is shutdown (or in real time if a shared FS is used). Persistent Images can be used by only one VM instance at a time.

  • rename <imageid> <name> Renames the Image.

  • show <imageid> Shows information for the given Image .

    • Valid options: decrypt, json, xml, yaml
  • snapshot-delete <imageid> <snapshot_id> Deletes a snapshot from the image.

  • snapshot-flatten <imageid> <snapshot_id> Flattens the snapshot and removes all other snapshots in the image.

  • snapshot-revert <imageid> <snapshot_id> Reverts image state to a snapshot.

  • top [<filterflag>] Lists Images continuously.

    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand filter json list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • unlock <range|imageid_list> Unlocks an Image.

    • Valid states are: All.
  • update <imageid> [<file>] Update the template contents. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to modify the current content.

    • Valid options: append

Argument Formats

  • file Path to a file
  • filterflag
    • a, all all the known IMAGEs
    • m, mine the IMAGE belonging to the user in ONE_AUTH
    • g, group ‘mine’ plus the IMAGE belonging to the groups the user is member of
    • G, primary group the IMAGE owned the user’s primary group
    • uid IMAGE of the user identified by this uid
    • user IMAGE of the user identified by the username
  • groupid VM Squared GROUP name or ID.
  • imageid VM Squared IMAGE name or ID.
  • imageid_list Comma-separated list of VM Squared IMAGE names or IDs.
  • range List of ID’s in the form 1,8..15.
  • text String.
  • userid VM Squared USER name or ID.

vmsquared market

manages internal and external Marketplaces

Synopsis vmsquared market <command\> [<args\>] [<options\>]


--adjust x,y,z            Adjust size to not truncate selected columns
-a, --append              Append new attributes to the current template
--csv                     Write table in csv format
--csv-del del             Set delimiter for csv output
-d, --delay x             Sets the delay in seconds for top command
--describe                Describe list columns
--endpoint endpoint       URL of VM Squared xmlrpc frontend
--expand [x=prop,y=prop]  Expands the columns size to fill the terminal.
                          For example: $vmsquared market list --expand
                          name=0.4,group=0.6 will expand name 40% and
                          group 60%. $vmsquared market list --expand name,group will
                          expand name and group based on its size. $vmsquared market
                          list --expand will expand all columns.
-f, --filter x,y,z        Filter data. An array is specified with
                          column=value pairs. Valid operators
                          =,!=,<,<=,>,>=,~ e.g. NAME=test (match name with
                          test) NAME~test (match every NAME containing the
                          substring 'test')
-h, --help                Show this message
-j, --json                Show the resource in JSON format
-l, --list x,y,z          Selects columns to display with list command
-c, --listconf conf       Selects a predefined column list
--no-expand               Disable expand
--no-header               Hides the header of the table
--no-pager                Disable pagination
-n, --numeric             Do not translate user and group IDs
--operator operator       Logical operator used on filters: AND, OR.
                          Default: AND.
--password password       Password to authenticate with VM Squared
-s, --size x=size,y=size  Change the size of selected columns. For example:
                          $ vmsquared market list --size "name=20" will make column
                          name size 20.
--user name               User name used to connect to VM Squared
-v, --verbose             Verbose mode
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
-x, --xml                 Show the resource in xml format
-y, --yaml                Show the resource in YAML format


  • chgrp <range|marketplaceid_list> <groupid> Changes the Marketplace group.
  • chmod <range|marketplaceid_list> <octet> Changes the Marketplace permissions.
  • chown <range|marketplaceid_list> <userid> [<groupid>] Changes the Marketplace owner and group.
  • create <file> Creates a new Marketplace from the given template file.
  • delete <range|marketplaceid_list> Deletes the given Marketplace.
  • disable <range|marketplaceid_list> Disables the marketplace. Remove all its apps.
  • enable <range|marketplaceid_list> Enables the marketplace.
  • list Lists Marketplaces
    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand filter json list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • rename <marketplaceid> <name> Renames the Marketplace.
  • show <marketplaceid> Shows Marketplace information.
    • Valid options: json xml yaml
  • update <marketplaceid> [<file>] Update the template contents. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to modify the current content.
    • Valid options: append

Argument Formats

  • file Path to a file.
  • groupid VM Squared GROUP name or ID.
  • marketplaceid VM Squared MARKETPLACE name or ID.
  • marketplaceid_list Comma-separated list of VM Squared MARKETPLACE names or IDs.
  • range List of IDs in the form 1,8..15.
  • text String.
  • userid VM Squared USER name or ID.

vmsquared marketapp

manages appliances from Marketplaces

Synopsis vmsquared marketapp <command> [<args>] [<options>]


--adjust x,y,z            Adjust size to not truncate selected columns
--admin                   Lock admin actions
--all                     Lock all actions
-a, --append              Append new attributes to the current template
--csv                     Write table in csv format
--csv-del del             Set delimiter for csv output
-d, --datastore id|name   Selects the datastore
-d, --delay x             Sets the delay in seconds for top command
--describe                Describe list columns
--description description Description for the new MarketPlaceApp
--dry                     Just print the template
--endpoint endpoint       URL of VM Squared xmlrpc frontend
--expand [x=prop,y=prop]  Expands the columns size to fill the terminal.
                          For example: $vmsquared marketapp list --expand
                          name=0.4,group=0.6 will expand name 40% and
                          group 60%. $vmsquared marketapp list --expand name,group will
                          expand name and group based on its size. $vmsquared marketapp
                          list --expand will expand all columns.
--file-datastore id|name  Selects the file datastore
-f, --filter x,y,z        Filter data. An array is specified with
                          column=value pairs. 
                          Valid operators: =,!=,<,<=,>,>=,~ 
                          e.g. NAME=test (match name with test) NAME~test (match every NAME 
                          containing the substring 'test')
--force                   Overwrite the file
-h, --help                Show this message
--image id|name           Selects the image
-j, --json                Show the resource in JSON format
-l, --list x,y,z          Selects columns to display with list command
-c, --listconf conf       Selects a predefined column list
--manage                  Lock manage actions
--market market_id        Market to import all objects
-m, --marketplace id|name Selects the marketplace
--name name               Name of the new MarketPlaceApp
--no                      Do not import/export associated VM
--no-expand               Disable expand
--no-header               Hides the header of the table
--no-pager                Disable pagination
-n, --numeric             Do not translate user and group IDs
--operator operator       Logical operator used on filters: AND, OR.
                          Default: AND.
--password password       Password to authenticate with VM Squared
-s, --size x=size,y=size  Change the size of selected columns. 
                          For example: $ vmsquared marketapp list --size "name=20" will make column
                          name size 20.
--tag tag                 DockerHub image tag (default latest)
--template template_id    Associate with VM template
--use                     Lock use actions
--user name               User name used to connect to VM Squared
-v, --verbose             Verbose mode
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
--vmname name             Selects the name for the new VM Template, if the
                          App contains one
-x, --xml                 Show the resource in xml format
-y, --yaml                Show the resource in YAML format
--yes                     Import associated VM templates/images


  • chgrp <range|appid_list> <groupid> Changes the marketplace app group.
  • chmod <range|appid_list> <octet> Changes the marketplace app permissions.
  • chown <range|appid_list> <userid> [<groupid>] Changes the marketplace app owner and group.
  • create [<file>] Creates a new marketplace app in the given marketplace.
    • Valid options: description dry image marketplace name
  • delete <range|appid_list> Deletes the given marketplace app.
  • disable <range|appid_list> Disables the marketplace app. A disabled marketplace app cannot be exported to a cloud.
  • download <appid> <path> Downloads a MarketApp to a file.
    • Valid options: force
  • enable <range|appid_list> Enables the marketplace app.
  • export <appid> <name> Exports the marketplace app to the VM Squared cloud.
    • Valid options: datastore file_datastore no tag template vmname
  • list [<filterflag>] Lists marketplace apps.
    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand filter json list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • lock <range|appid_list> Locks a marketplace app to prevent certain actions defined by different levels. The show action will never be locked.
    • Valid states are: All.
    • Levels:
      • [Use]: locks Admin, Manage and Use actions.
      • [Manage]: locks Manage and Use actions.
      • [Admin]: locks only Admin actions.
    • Valid options: admin all manage use
  • rename <appid> <name> Renames the marketplace app.
  • service-template import <service_template_id> Imports a service template into the marketplace.
    • Valid options: market no vmname yes
  • show <appid> Shows information for the given marketplace app.
    • Valid options: json xml yaml
  • unlock <range|appid_list> Unlocks a marketplace app.
    • Valid states are: All.
  • update <appid> [<file>] Update the template contents for the app. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to modify the current content.
    • Valid options: append
  • vm import <vm_id> Imports a VM into the marketplace.
    • Valid options: market no vmname yes
  • vm-template import <vm_template_id> Imports a VM template into the marketplace.
    • Valid options: market no vmname yes

Argument Formats

  • appid VM Squared MARKETPLACEAPP name or ID.
  • appid_list Comma-separated list of VM Squared MARKETPLACEAPP names or IDs.
  • file Path to a file.
  • filterflag
    • a, all all the known MARKETPLACEAPPs
    • m, mine the MARKETPLACEAPP belonging to the user in ONE_AUTH
    • g, group ‘mine’ plus the MARKETPLACEAPP belonging to the groups the user is member of
    • G, primary group the MARKETPLACEAPP owned the user’s primary group
    • uid MARKETPLACEAPP of the user identified by this uid
    • user MARKETPLACEAPP of the user identified by the username
  • groupid VM Squared GROUP name or ID.
  • range List of IDs in the form 1,8..15.
  • text String.
  • userid VM Squared USER name or ID.

vmsquared secgroup

manages VM Squared security groups.

Synopsis vmsquared secgroup <command> [<args>] [<options>]


--adjust x,y,z            Adjust size to not truncate selected columns
-a, --append              Append new attributes to the current template
--csv                     Write table in csv format
--csv-del del             Set delimiter for csv output
-d, --delay x             Sets the delay in seconds for top command
--describe                Describe list columns
--endpoint endpoint       URL of VM Squared xmlrpc frontend
--expand [x=prop,y=prop]  Expands the columns size to fill the terminal.
                          For example: $vmsquared secgroup list --expand
                          name=0.4,group=0.6 will expand name 40% and
                          group 60%. $vmsquared secgroup list --expand name,group will
                          expand name and group based on its size. $vmsquared secgroup
                          list --expand will expand all columns.
-f, --filter x,y,z        Filter data. An array is specified with
                          column=value pairs. 
                          Valid operators: =,!=,<,<=,>,>=,~ 
                          e.g. NAME=test (match name with test) NAME~test (match every 
                          NAME containing the substring 'test')
-h, --help                Show this message
-j, --json                Show the resource in JSON format
-l, --list x,y,z          Selects columns to display with list command
-c, --listconf conf       Selects a predefined column list
--no-expand               Disable expand
--no-header               Hides the header of the table
--no-pager                Disable pagination
-n, --numeric             Do not translate user and group IDs
--operator operator       Logical operator used on filters: AND, OR.
                          Default: AND.
--password password       Password to authenticate with VM Squared
-r, --recover             If set the commit operation will only operate on
                          outdated and error VMs. This is intended for
                          retrying updates of VMs or reinitialize the
                          updating process if oned stopped or fail.
-s, --size x=size,y=size  Change the size of selected columns. 
                          For example: $ vmsquared secgroup list --size "name=20" 
                          will make column name size 20.
--user name               User name used to connect to VM Squared
-v, --verbose             Verbose mode
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
-x, --xml                 Show the resource in xml format
-y, --yaml                Show the resource in YAML format


  • chgrp <range|secgroupid_list> <groupid> Changes the Security Group’s group.

  • chmod <range|secgroupid_list> <octet> Changes the Security Group permissions.

  • chown <range|secgroupid_list> <userid> [<groupid>] Changes the Security Group’s owner and group.

  • clone <secgroupid> <name> Creates a new Security Group from an existing one.

  • commit <secgroupid> Commit SG changes to associated VMs. This command is to propagate security group rules to VMs when they are updated. This operation takes time to iterate over all VMs in the security group, progress can be checked through the outdated, updating and error VM sets.

    • Valid options: recover
  • create <file> Creates a new Security Group from the given description.

  • delete <range|secgroupid_list> Deletes the given Security Group.

  • list [<filterflag>] Lists Security Group in the pool.

    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand filter json list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • rename <secgroupid> <name> Renames the Security Group.

  • show <secgroupid> Shows information for the given Security Group

    • Valid options: json xml yaml
  • update <secgroupid> [<file>] Update the template contents. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to modify the current content.

    • Valid options: append

Argument Formats

  • file Path to a file.

  • filterflag

    • a, all all the known SECURITY_GROUPs
    • m, mine the SECURITY_GROUP belonging to the user in ONE_AUTH
    • g, group ‘mine’ plus the SECURITY_GROUP belonging to the groups the user is member of
    • G, primary group the SECURITY_GROUP owned the user’s primary group
    • uid SECURITY_GROUP of the user identified by this uid
    • user SECURITY_GROUP of the user identified by the username
  • groupid VM Squared GROUP name or ID.

  • range List of ID’s in the form 1,8..15.

  • secgroupid VM Squared SECURITY_GROUP name or ID.

  • secgroupid_list Comma-separated list of VM Squared SECURITY_GROUP names or IDs.

  • text String.

  • userid VM Squared USER name or ID.

vmsquared showback

VM Squared Showback Tool.

Synopsis vmsquared showback [<options>]


--csv                     Write table in csv format
--describe                Describe list columns
-e, --end TIME            Last month of the data
--endpoint endpoint       URL of VM Squared xmlrpc frontend
-g, --group group         Group name or id to filter the results
-h, --help                Show this message
-j, --json                Show the resource in JSON format
-l, --list x,y,z          Selects columns to display with list command
--password password       Password to authenticate with VM Squared
-s, --start TIME          First month of the data
--user name               User name used to connect to VM Squared
-u, --userfilter user     User name or id to filter the results
-v, --verbose             Verbose mode
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
-x, --xml                 Show the resource in xml format
-y, --yaml                Show the resource in YAML format


  • calculate Calculates the showback records

    • Valid options: end_time start_time
  • list Returns the showback records

    • Valid options: csv describe end_time endpoint group help json list password start_time user userfilter verbose version xml yaml

vmsquared template

manages VM Squared templates.

Synopsis vmsquared template <command> [<args>] [<options>]


--adjust x,y,z            Adjust size to not truncate selected columns
--admin                   lock admin actions
--all                     lock all actions
-a, --append              Append new attributes to the current template
--arch arch               Architecture of the VM, 
                          e.g.: i386 or x86_64
--as_gid gid              The Group ID to instantiate the VM
--as_uid uid              The User ID to instantiate the VM
--boot device_list        Set boot device list 
                          e.g. disk0,disk2,nic0
--context line1,line2,line3 Lines to add to the context section
--cpu cpu                 CPU percentage reserved for the VM (1=100% one
--csv                     Write table in csv format
--csv-del del             Set delimiter for csv output
-d, --delay x             Sets the delay in seconds for top command
--describe                Describe list columns
--disk image0,image1      Disks to attach. 
                          To use an image owned by other user use user[disk]. 
                          Add any additional attributes separated by ':' and 
                          in the shape of KEY=VALUE. 
                          For example, if the disk must be resized, use image0:size=1000 . 
                          Or, image0:size=1000:target=vda,image1:target=vdb
--dry                     Just print the template
--endpoint endpoint       URL of VM Squared xmlrpc frontend
--expand [x=prop,y=prop]  Expands the columns size to fill the terminal.
                          For example: $vmsquared template list --expand
                          name=0.4,group=0.6 will expand name 40% and
                          group 60%. 
                          $vmsquared template list --expand name,group will
                          expand name and group based on its size. 
                          $vmsquared template list --expand will expand all columns.
--extended                Process the template and included extended
                          information, such as the SIZE for each DISK
--files_ds file1,file2    Add files to the contextualization CD from
                          thefiles datastore
-f, --filter x,y,z        Filter data. An array is specified with
                          column=value pairs. 
                          Valid operators: =,!=,<,<=,>,>=,~ 
                          e.g. NAME=test (match name with test) 
                          NAME~test (match every NAME containing the substring 'test')
-h, --help                Show this message
--hold                    Creates the new VM on hold state instead of
--init script1,script2    Script or scripts to start in context
-j, --json                Show the resource in JSON format
-l, --list x,y,z          Selects columns to display with list command
-c, --listconf conf       Selects a predefined column list
--manage                  lock manage actions
--memory memory           Memory amount given to the VM.
                          By default the unit is megabytes. 
                          To use gigabytes add a 'g', floats can be used: 8g=8192, 0.5g=512
-m, --multiple x          Instance multiple VMs
--name name               Name of the new VM or TEMPLATE. When
                          instantiating multiple VMs you can use the "%i"
                          wildcard to produce different names such as
                          vm-0, vm-1...
--net_context             Add network contextualization parameters
--nic network0,network1   Networks to attach. To use a network owned by
                          other user use user[network]. Additional
                          attributes are supported like with the --disk
                          option. Also you can use auto if you want that
                          VM Squared select automatically the network
--no-expand               Disable expand
--no-header               Hides the header of the table
--no-pager                Disable pagination
-n, --numeric             Do not translate user and group IDs
--operator operator       Logical operator used on filters: AND, OR.
                          Default: AND.
--password password       Password to authenticate with VM Squared
--persistent              Creates a private persistent copy of the template
                          plus any image defined in DISK, and instantiates
                          that copy
--prefix prefix           Prefix to autogenerate name, e.g: 001, 01
--raw string              Raw string to add to the template. Not to be
                          confused with the RAW attribute
-R, --recursive           Applies the action to the template plus any image
                          defined in DISK
--report_ready            Sends READY=YES to OneGate, useful for OneFlow
-s, --size x=size,y=size  Change the size of selected columns. 
                          For example: $ vmsquared template list --size "name=20" 
                          will make column name size 20.
--spice                   Add spice server to the VM
--spice-keymap keymap     spice keyboard layout
--spice-listen ip         spice IP where to listen for connections. 
                          By default is (all interfaces).
--spice-password password spice password
--ssh [file]              Add an ssh public key to the context. If the file
                          is omitted then the user variable SSH_PUBLIC_KEY
                          will be used.
--startscript [file]      Start script to be executed
--use                     lock use actions
--user name               User name used to connect to VM Squared
--user-inputs ui1,ui2,ui3 Specify the user inputs values when instantiating
--userdata userdata       Integrate userdata into the EC2 section
--vcenter_vm_folder path  In a vCenter environment sets the the VMs and
                          Template folder where the VM will be placed in.
                          The path uses slashes to separate folders. 
                          For example: --vcenter_vm_folder "/Management/VMs"
--vcpu vcpu               Number of virtualized CPUs
-v, --verbose             Verbose mode
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
--vnc                     Add VNC server to the VM
--vnc-keymap keymap       VNC keyboard layout
--vnc-listen ip           VNC IP where to listen for connections. 
                          By default is (all interfaces).
--vnc-password password   VNC password
-x, --xml                 Show the resource in xml format
-y, --yaml                Show the resource in YAML format


  • chgrp <range|templateid_list> <groupid> Changes the Template group.

  • chmod <range|templateid_list> <octet> Changes the Template permissions

    • Valid options: recursive
  • chown <range|templateid_list> <userid> [<groupid>] Changes the Template owner and group.

  • clone <templateid> <name> Creates a new Template from an existing one

    • Valid options: recursive
  • create [<file>] Creates a new VM Template from the given description.


    • Valid options: arch as_gid as_uid boot context cpu disk dry files_ds init memory name net_context nic raw report_ready spice spice_keymap spice_listen spice_password ssh startscript user_inputs vcenter_vm_folder vcpu vnc vnc_keymap vnc_listen vnc_password
  • delete <range|templateid_list> Deletes the given Template.

    • Valid options: recursive
  • instantiate <templateid> [<file>] Creates a new VM instance from the given Template. This VM can be managed with the ‘vmsquared template’ command.
    The source Template can be modified by replacing existing attributes; or adding new DISK or NIC elements. The new attributes can be specified with the command options or the file argument.


    • Valid options: arch as_gid as_uid boot context cpu disk files_ds hold init memory multiple name net_context nic persistent prefix raw report_ready spice spice_keymap spice_listen spice_password ssh startscript user_inputs userdata vcenter_vm_folder vcpu vnc vnc_keymap vnc_listen vnc_password
  • list [<filterflag>] Lists Templates in the pool.

    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand filter json list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • lock <range|templateid_list> Locks a Template to prevent certain actions defined by different levels. The show action will never be locked.

    • Valid states are: All.
    • Levels:
      • [Use]: locks Admin, Manage and Use actions.
      • [Manage]: locks Manage and Use actions.
      • [Admin]: locks only Admin actions.
    • Valid options: admin all manage use
  • rename <templateid> <name> Renames the Template.

  • show <templateid> Shows information for the given Template

    • Valid options: extended json xml yaml
  • top [<filterflag>] Lists Templates continuously

    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand filter json list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • unlock <range|templateid_list> Unlocks a Template.

    • Valid states are: All.
  • update <templateid> [<file>] Update the template contents. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to modify the current content.

    • Valid options: append

Argument Formats

  • file Path to a file.

  • filterflag

    • a, all all the known VMTEMPLATEs
    • m, mine the VMTEMPLATE belonging to the user in ONE_AUTH
    • g, group ‘mine’ plus the VMTEMPLATE belonging to the groups the user is member of
    • G, primary group the VMTEMPLATE owned the user’s primary group
    • uid VMTEMPLATE of the user identified by this uid
    • user VMTEMPLATE of the user identified by the username
  • groupid VM Squared GROUP name or ID.

  • range List of ID’s in the form 1,8..15.

  • templateid VM Squared VMTEMPLATE name or ID.

  • templateid_list Comma-separated list of VM Squared VMTEMPLATE names or IDs.

  • text String.

  • userid VM Squared USER name or ID.

vmsquared user

manages VM Squared users

Synopsis vmsquared user <command> [<args>] [<options>]


--adjust x,y,z            Adjust size to not truncate selected columns
-a, --append              Append new attributes to the current template
-c, --cert path_to_user_cert_pem 
                          Path to the Certificate of the User
--csv                     Write table in csv format
--csv-del del             Set delimiter for csv output
--decrypt                 Get decrypted attributes
-d, --delay x             Sets the delay in seconds for top command
--describe                Describe list columns
--driver driver           Driver to authenticate this user
--endpoint endpoint       URL of VM Squared xmlrpc frontend
--expand [x=prop,y=prop]  Expands the columns size to fill the terminal.
                          For example: $vmsquared user list --expand
                          name=0.4,group=0.6 will expand name 40% and
                          group 60%. 
                          $vmsquared user list --expand name,group will
                          expand name and group based on its size. 
                          $vmsquared user list --expand will expand all columns.
-f, --filter x,y,z        Filter data. An array is specified with
                          column=value pairs. 
                          Valid operators: =,!=,<,<=,>,>=,~ 
                          e.g. NAME=test (match name with test) 
                          NAME~test (match every NAME containing the substring 'test')
--force                   Force one_auth file rewrite
--global                  Find a global Token.
--group id|name           Comma-separated list of Groups for the new User.
                          The first Group will be the main one.
-h, --help                Show this message
-j, --json                Show the resource in JSON format
-k, --key path_to_private_key_pem 
                          Path to the Private Key of the User
-l, --list x,y,z          Selects columns to display with list command
-c, --listconf conf       Selects a predefined column list
--no-expand               Disable expand
--no-header               Hides the header of the table
--no-pager                Disable pagination
-n, --numeric             Do not translate user and group IDs
--operator operator       Logical operator used on filters: AND, OR.
                          Default: AND.
--password password       Password to authenticate with VM Squared
--proxy path_to_user_proxy_pem 
                          Path to the user proxy certificate
-r, --read-file           Read password from file
--sha256                  The password will be hashed using the sha256
-s, --size x=size,y=size  Change the size of selected columns. 
                          For example: $ vmsquared user list --size "name=20" will make column
                          name size 20.
--ssh                     SSH Auth system
--stdin_password          enable stdin password
--time x                  Token duration in seconds, defaults to 36000 (10
                          h). To reset the token set time to 0.To generate
                          a non-expiring token use -1 (not valid for ssh
                          and x509 tokens).
--token token_hint        The Token to be loaded.
--user name               User name used to connect to VM Squared
-v, --verbose             Verbose mode
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
--x509                    x509 Auth system for x509 certificates
--x509_proxy              x509 Auth system based on x509 proxy certificates
-x, --xml                 Show the resource in xml format
-y, --yaml                Show the resource in YAML format


  • addgroup <range|userid_list> <groupid> Adds the User to a secondary group.

  • batchquota <range|userid_list> [<file>] Sets the quota limits in batch for various users. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to create new quotas.

  • chauth <userid> [<auth>] [<password>] Changes the User’s auth driver and its password (optional)


    vmsquared user chauth my_user core
    vmsquared user chauth my_user core new_password
    vmsquared user chauth my_user core -r /tmp/mypass
    vmsquared user chauth my_user --ssh --key /home/oneadmin/.ssh/id_rsa
    vmsquared user chauth my_user --ssh -r /tmp/public_key
    vmsquared user chauth my_user --x509 --cert /tmp/my_cert.pem

    • Valid options: cert driver key read_file sha256 ssh x509
  • chgrp <range|userid_list> <groupid> Changes the User’s primary group.

  • create <username> [<password>] Creates a new User.


    vmsquared user create my_user my_password
    vmsquared user create my_user -r /tmp/mypass
    vmsquared user create my_user my_password --group users,102,testers
    vmsquared user create my_user --ssh --key /tmp/id_rsa
    vmsquared user create my_user --ssh -r /tmp/public_key
    vmsquared user create my_user --x509 --cert /tmp/my_cert.pem

    • Valid options: cert driver group key read_file sha256 ssh x509
  • defaultquota [<file>] Sets the default quota limits for the users. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to modify the current default quotas.

  • delete <range|userid_list> Deletes the given User.

  • delgroup <range|userid_list> <groupid> Removes the User from a secondary group.

  • disable <range|userid_list> Disables the given User.

  • enable <range|userid_list> Enables the given User.

  • encode <username> [<password>] Encodes user and password to use it with ldap.

  • key Shows a public key from a private SSH key. Use it as password for the SSH authentication mechanism.

    • Valid options: key
  • list Lists Users in the pool

    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand filter json list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • login [<username>] Alias of token-create.

    • Valid options: cert force group key proxy ssh stdin_password time x509 x509_proxy
  • passwd <userid> [<password>] Changes the given User’s password

    • Valid options: cert driver key read_file sha256 ssh x509
  • passwdsearch <driver> <password> Searches for users with a specific auth driver that has the given string in their password field

    • Valid options: csv xml
  • quota <userid> [<file>] Set the quota limits for the user. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to modify the current quotas.

  • show [<userid>] Shows information for the given User.

    • Valid options: decrypt json xml yaml
  • token-create [<username>] Creates the login token for authentication. The token can be used together with any authentication driver. The token will be stored in $HOME/.one/one_auth, and can be used subsequently to authenticate with oned through API, CLI or Sunstone.

    If <username> is omitted, it will infer it from the ONE_AUTH file.


    • Valid options: cert force group key proxy ssh stdin_password time x509 x509_proxy
  • token-delete [<username>] <token> Expires a token and removes the associated ONE_AUTH file if present.

    • Valid options: cert force group key proxy ssh stdin_password time x509 x509_proxy
  • token-delete-all <username> Delete all the tokens of a user. This command is intended to be executed by a user that has MANAGE permissions of the target user.

    • valid options: cert force group key proxy ssh stdin_password time x509 x509_proxy
  • token-set [<username>] Generates a ONE_AUTH file that contains the token.

    You must provide one (and only one) of the following options:

    –token <token>searches for a token that starts with that string. It must be unique.
    –group <id|group>returns the most durable token that provides access to that specific group.
    –globalreturns the most durable global token (non group specific).

    The argument ‘username’ is optional, if omitted it is inferred from the ONE_AUTH file.


    Set a token:

    $ vmsquared user token-set my_user --token 1d47
        export ONE_AUTH=/var/lib/one/.one/<file>.token; export ONE_EGID=-1

    You can copy & paste the output of the command and will load the proper environment variables.

    • Valid options: cert force global group key proxy ssh stdin_password time token x509 x509_proxy
  • umask <range|userid_list> [<mask>] Changes the umask used to create the default permissions. In a similar way to the Unix umask command, the expected value is a three-digit base-8 number. Each digit is a mask that disables permissions for the owner, group and other, respectively.

If mask is not given, or if it is an empty string, the umask will be unset.

  • update <userid> [<file>] Update the template contents. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to modify the current content.
    • valid options: append

Argument Formats

  • file Path to a file.

  • groupid VM Squared GROUP name or ID.

  • password User password.

  • range List of ID’s in the form 1,8..15.

  • text String.

  • userid VM Squared USER name or ID.

  • userid_list Comma-separated list of VM Squared USER names or IDs.

vmsquared vcenter

vCenter import tool

Synopsis vmsquared vcenter <command> [<args>] [<options>]


--cluster-ref cluster_ref Cluster ref to import
--config file             Configuration file for custom options
--copy copy               Import template as copy, 0/1
--csv                     Write table in csv format
-d, --datastore datastore_id VM Squared datastore used
--use-defaults            Use defaults for answers to questions
--endpoint endpoint       URL of VM Squared xmlrpc frontend
--folder folder           Import template in folder
-h, --help                Show this message
-h, --host host_id        VM Squared host used to authenticate the
--linked_clone linked_clone 
                          Import template as linked clone, 0/1
--name name               Import template copy with name
-o, --object object       vCenter object: [datastores, templates,networks,
                          datastores, images, hosts]
--password password       Password to authenticate with VM Squared
-p, --port port           vCenter API port, defaults to 443 (SSL) or 80
--user name               User name used to connect to VM Squared
--vcenter vCenter         The vCenter hostname
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
--vpass password          The password for the user
--vuser username          The username to interact with vCenter


  • cleartags <vmid> Clears extra config tags from a vCenter VM, useful when a VM has been launched by VM Squared and needs to be reimported.

    • Clean VM 15:
      vmsquared vcenter cleargs 15
  • hosts Import vCenter clusters as VM Squared hosts.

    • Get available clusters:
      vmsquared vcenter hosts \
        --vcenter <vcenter> \
        --vuser <user> \
        --vpass <pass>
    • Valid options: cluster_ref defaults port vcenter vpass vuser
  • import [<oid>] Import the the desired vCenter object.

    • Importing first datastore:
      vmsquared vcenter import \
        -o templates \
        -h <host_id>
    • Importing 2 templates:
      vmsquared vcenter import \
        "vm-1252, vm-553, vm-1248" \
        -o templates \
        -h <host_id>
    • Importing a Image range:
      vmsquared vcenter import \
        0..10 \
        -o images \
        -h <host_id> \
        -d <ds-img_id>
    • Valid options: datastore host object
  • import_defaults [<oid>] Import the the desired vCenter object.

    • Importing first datastore:
      vmsquared vcenter import \
        -o templates \
        -h <host_id>
    • Importing 2 concrete templates:
      vmsquared vcenter import \
        "vm-1252, vm-553, vm-1248" \
        -o templates \
        -h <host_id>
    • Importing a Image range:
      vmsquared vcenter import \
        0..10 \
        -o images \
        -h <host_id> \
        -d <ds-img_id>
    • Valid options: configuration copy datastore folder host linked_clone name object
  • list Show a list with unimported vCenter objects.

    • Listing available templates:
      vmsquared vcenter list \
      -o templates \
      -h <host_id>
    • Listing available images:
      vmsquared vcenter list \
        -o datastores \
        -h <host_id> \
        -d <ds-img_id>
    • Listing available clusters:
      vmsquared vcenter list \
        -o hosts \
        --vcenter <IP> \
        --vuser <U> \
        --vpass <P>
    • Valid options: csv datastore host object port vcenter vpass vuser
  • list_all Show a list with unimported vCenter objects excluding all filters.

    • Listing networks including uplinks:
      vmsquared vcenter list_all \
        -o networks \
        -h <host_id>
    • Valid options: csv datastore host object port vcenter vpass vuser

Argument Formats

  • file Path to a file.

  • range List of id’s in the form 1,8..15.

  • text String.

vmsquared vdc

manages VM Squared virtual datacenters.

Synopsis vmsquared vdc <command> [<args>] [<options>]


--adjust x,y,z            Adjust size to not truncate selected columns
-a, --append              Append new attributes to the current template
--csv                     Write table in csv format
--csv-del del             Set delimiter for csv output
-d, --delay x             Sets the delay in seconds for top command
--describe                Describe list columns
--endpoint endpoint       URL of VM Squared xmlrpc frontend
--expand [x=prop,y=prop]  Expands the columns size to fill the terminal.
                          For example: $vmsquared vdc list --expand
                          name=0.4,group=0.6 will expand name 40% and
                          group 60%. 
                          $vmsquared vdc list --expand name,group will
                          expand name and group based on its size. 
                          $vmsquared vdc list --expand will expand all columns.
-f, --filter x,y,z        Filter data. An array is specified with
                          column=value pairs. 
                          Valid operators: =,!=,<,<=,>,>=,~ 
                          e.g. NAME=test (match name with test) 
                          NAME~test (match every NAME containing the substring 'test')
-h, --help                Show this message
-j, --json                Show the resource in JSON format
-l, --list x,y,z          Selects columns to display with list command
-c, --listconf conf       Selects a predefined column list
--no-expand               Disable expand
--no-header               Hides the header of the table
--no-pager                Disable pagination
-n, --numeric             Do not translate user and group IDs
--operator operator       Logical operator used on filters: AND, OR.
                          Default: AND.
--password password       Password to authenticate with VM Squared
-s, --size x=size,y=size  Change the size of selected columns. 
                          For example: $ vmsquared vdc list --size "name=20" will make 
                          column name size 20.
--user name               User name used to connect to VM Squared
-v, --verbose             Verbose mode
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
-x, --xml                 Show the resource in xml format
-y, --yaml                Show the resource in YAML format


  • addcluster <range|vdcid_list> <zoneid> <clusterid> Adds a Cluster (from a specific Zone) to the given VDC.

  • adddatastore <range|vdcid_list> <zoneid> <datastoreid> Adds a Datastore (from a specific Zone) to the given VDC.

  • addgroup <range|vdcid_list> <groupid> Adds a Group to the given VDC.

  • addhost <range|vdcid_list> <zoneid> <hostid> Adds a Host (from a specific Zone) to the given VDC.

  • addvnet <range|vdcid_list> <zoneid> <vnetid> Adds a Virtual Network (from a specific Zone) to the given VDC.

  • create <name> Creates a new VDC.

  • delcluster <range|vdcid_list> <zoneid> <clusterid> Deletes a Cluster (from a specific Zone) from the given VDC.

  • deldatastore <range|vdcid_list> <zoneid> <datastoreid> Deletes a Datastore (from a specific Zone) from the given VDC.

  • delete <range|vdcid_list> Deletes the given VDC.

  • delgroup <range|vdcid_list> <groupid> Deletes a Group from the given VDC.

  • delhost <range|vdcid_list> <zoneid> <hostid> Deletes a Host (from a specific Zone) from the given VDC.

  • delvnet <range|vdcid_list> <zoneid> <vnetid> Deletes a Virtual Network (from a specific Zone) from the given VDC.

  • list Lists VDCs in the pool

    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand filter json list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • rename <vdcid> <name> Renames the VDC.

  • show <vdcid> Shows information for the given VDC

    • Valid options: json xml yaml
  • update <vdcid> [<file>] Update the template contents. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to modify the current content.

    • Valid options: append

Argument Formats

  • clusterid VM Squared CLUSTER name or ID. Can be set to ALL.

  • datastoreid VM Squared DATASTORE name or ID. Can be set to ALL.

  • file Path to a file.

  • groupid VM Squared GROUP name or ID.

  • hostid VM Squared HOST name or ID. Can be set to ALL.

  • range List of ID’s in the form 1,8..15.

  • text String.

  • vdcid VM Squared VDC name or ID.

  • vdcid_list Comma-separated list of VM Squared VDC names or IDs.

  • vnetid VM Squared VNET name or ID. Can be set to ALL.

  • zoneid VM Squared ZONE name or ID.

vmsquared vm

manages VM Squared virtual machines

Synopsis vmsquared vm <command> [<args>] [<options>]


--adjust x,y,z            Adjust size to not truncate selected columns
--admin                   lock admin actions
-a, --alias alias         Attach the NIC as an ALIAS
--all                     Show all template data
-a, --append              Append new attributes to the current template
--arch arch               Architecture of the VM
                          e.g.: i386 or x86_64
--boot device_list        Set boot device list 
                          e.g. disk0,disk2,nic0
--cache cache_mode        Hypervisor cache mode: default, none,
                          writethrough, writeback, directsync or unsafe.
                          (Only KVM driver)
--cmd cmd                 CMD to run when SSH
--context line1,line2,line3 Lines to add to the context section
--cpu cpu                 CPU percentage reserved for the VM (1=100% one
--csv                     Write table in csv format
--csv-del del             Set delimiter for csv output
-d, --datastore id|name   Selects the datastore
--decrypt                 Get decrypted attributes
-d, --delay x             Sets the delay in seconds for top command
--delete                  No recover action possible, delete the VM
--delete-db               No recover action possible, delete the VM from
                          the DB. It does not trigger any action on the
--describe                Describe list columns
--discard discard_mode    Hypervisor discard mode: ignore or unmap. (Only
                          KVM driver)
--disk image0,image1      Disks to attach. To use an image owned by other
                          user use user[disk]. Add any additional
                          attributes separated by ':' and in the shape of
                          For example, if the disk must be resized, use image0:size=1000 . 
                          Or, image0:size=1000:target=vda,image1:target=vdb
--dry                     Just print the template
--end number|TIME         ----
--endpoint endpoint       URL of VM Squared xmlrpc frontend
-e, --enforce             Enforce that the host capacity is not exceeded
--expand [x=prop,y=prop]  Expands the columns size to fill the terminal.
                          For example: $vmsquared vm list --expand
                          name=0.4,group=0.6 will expand name 40% and
                          group 60%. 
                          $vmsquared vm list --expand name,group will
                          expand name and group based on its size. 
                          $vmsquared vm list --expand will expand all columns.
--extended                Show info extended (it only works with xml
--failure                 Recover a VM by failing the pending action
-f, --file file           Selects the template file
--files_ds file1,file2    Add files to the contextualization CD from
                          thefiles datastore
-f, --filter x,y,z        Filter data. An array is specified with
                          column=value pairs. 
                          Valid operators: =,!=,<,<=,>,>=,~ 
                          e.g. NAME=test (match name with test) 
                          NAME~test (match every NAME containing the substring 'test')
--hard                    Does not communicate with the guest OS
-h, --help                Show this message
--hold                    Creates the new VM on hold state instead of
--hourly hour             Repeats the schedule action each hours
                          specified,it can be a number between 0,168
                          separated with commas. 
                          For example: 
                          vmsquared vm resume 0 --schedule "09/23 14:15" --hourly 1,5
-i, --image id|name       Selects the image
--init script1,script2    Script or scripts to start in context
--interactive             Enables interactive recovery. Only works
                          alongside the --retry option.
-i, --ip ip               IP address for the new NIC
-j, --json                Show the resource in JSON format
--keep-backup             Keep previous backup when creating a new one
-k, --kilobytes           Show units in kilobytes
-l, --list x,y,z          Selects columns to display with list command
-c, --listconf conf       Selects a predefined column list
--live                    Do the action with the VM running
--logger logger           Set logger to STDOUT or FILE
--manage                  lock manage actions
--market market_id        Market to save one-shot
--memory memory           Memory amount given to the VM. 
                          By default the unit is megabytes. 
                          To use gigabytes add a 'g', floats can be used: 8g=8192, 0.5g=512
--monthly days            Repeats the schedule action the days of the month
                          specified, it can be a number between 1,31
                          separated with commas. 
                          For example: 
                          vmsquared vm resume 0 --schedule "09/23 14:15" --monthly 1,14
-m, --multiple x          Instance multiple VMs
--name name               Name for the new VM
--net_context             Add network contextualization parameters
-n, --network id|name     Selects the virtual network
--nic network0,network1   Networks to attach. To use a network owned by
                          other user use user[network]. Additional
                          attributes are supported like with the --disk
                          option. Also you can use auto if you want that
                          VM Squared select automatically the network
--nic-id nic_id           NIC to use when SSH
--nic_name name           Name of the NIC
--no-expand               Disable expand
--no-header               Hides the header of the table
--no-pager                Disable pagination
-n, --numeric             Do not translate user and group IDs
--oneshot                 Take an snapshot of the VM without saving backup
--operator operator       Logical operator used on filters: AND, OR.
                          Default: AND.
--password password       Password to authenticate with VM Squared
--persistent              Make the new images persistent
--poff                    Do the migrate by poweringoff the vm
--poff-hard               Do the migrate by poweringoff hard the vm
--prefix prefix           Overrides the DEV_PREFIX of the image
--raw string              Raw string to add to the template. Not to be
                          confused with the RAW attribute
--recreate                No recover action possible, delete and recreate
                          the VM
--report_ready            Sends READY=YES to OneGate, useful for OneFlow
--retry                   Recover a VM by retrying the last failed action
--schedule TIME           Schedules this action to be executed afterthe
                          given time. 
                          For example: 
                          vmsquared vm resume 0 --schedule "09/23 14:15"
--search search           query in KEY=VALUE format
-s, --size x=size,y=size  Change the size of selected columns. 
                          For example:
                          vmsquared vm list --size "name=20" will make column
                          name size 20.
-s, --snapshot snapshot   ID of the Snapshot to save.
--spice                   Add spice server to the VM
--spice-keymap keymap     spice keyboard layout
--spice-listen ip         spice IP where to listen for connections. 
                          By default is (all interfaces).
--spice-password password spice password
--ssh [file]              Add an ssh public key to the context. If the file
                          is omitted then the user variable SSH_PUBLIC_KEY
                          will be used.
--ssh-options options     SSH options to use
--startscript [file]      Start script to be executed
--success                 Recover a VM by succeeding the pending action
-t, --target target       Device where the image will be attached
-t, --type type           Type of the new Image
--use                     lock use actions
--user name               User name used to connect to VM Squared
--user-inputs ui1,ui2,ui3 Specify the user inputs values when instantiating
--vcenter_vm_folder path  In a vCenter environment sets the the VMs and
                          Template folder where the VM will be placed in.
                          The path uses slashes to separate folders. 
                          For example: --vcenter_vm_folder "/Management/VMs"
--vcpu vcpu               Number of virtualized CPUs
-v, --verbose             Verbose mode
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
--vnc                     Add VNC server to the VM
--vnc-keymap keymap       VNC keyboard layout
--vnc-listen ip           VNC IP where to listen for connections. 
                          By default is (all interfaces).
--vnc-password password   VNC password
--weekly days             Repeats the schedule action the days of the week
                          specified, it can be a number between 0 (Sunday)
                          to 6 (Saturday) separated with commas. 
                          For example: 
                          vmsquared vm resume 0 --schedule "09/23 14:15" --weekly 0,2,4
-x, --xml                 Show the resource in xml format
-y, --yaml                Show the resource in YAML format
--yearly days             Repeats the schedule action the days of the year
                          specified, it can be a number between 0,365
                          separated with commas. 
                          For example: 
                          vmsquared vm resume 0 --schedule "09/23 14:15" --yearly 30,60


  • backup vmid Creates a VM backup and stores it in the marketplace.

    • Valid options: keep logger market oneshot
  • chgrp <range|vmid_list> <groupid> Changes the VM group.

  • chmod <range|vmid_list> <octet> Changes the VM permissions.

  • chown <range|vmid_list> <userid> [<groupid>] Changes the VM owner and group.

  • create [<file>] Creates a new VM from the given description instead of using a previously defined template (see vmsquared template create and vmsquared template instantiate).


    • Valid options: arch boot context cpu disk dry files_ds hold init memory multiple name net_context nic raw report_ready spice spice_keymap spice_listen spice_password ssh startscript user_inputs vcenter_vm_folder vcpu vnc vnc_keymap vnc_listen vnc_password
  • create-chart <vmid> Adds a charter to the VM, these are some consecutive scheduled actions.
    You can configure the actions in /etc/one/cli/vmsquared vm.yaml

  • delete-chart <vmid> <sched_id> Deletes a charter from the VM.

  • deploy <range|vmid_list> <hostid> [<datastoreid>] Deploys the given VM in the specified Host. This command forces the deployment, in a standard installation the Scheduler is in charge of this decision.

    • Valid options: enforce file
  • disk-attach <vmid> Attaches a disk to a running VM. When using `–file`` add only one DISK instance.

    • Valid options: cache discard file image prefix target
  • disk-detach <vmid> <diskid> Detaches a disk from a running VM.

  • disk-resize <vmid> <diskid> <size> Resizes a VM disk. The new size should be larger than the old one.
    The valid units are:

    • T: TiB
    • G: GiB
    • M: MiB - The default is MiB.


  • disk-saveas <vmid> <diskid> <img_name> Saves the specified VM disk as a new Image. The Image is created immediately, and the contents of the VM disk will be saved to it.

    • States: ANY
    • Valid options: snapshot type
  • disk-snapshot-create <vmid> <diskid> <name> Takes a new snapshot of the given disk. This operation needs support from the Datastore drivers: QCOW2 or Ceph.

    • Valid options: end hourly monthly schedule weekly yearly
  • disk-snapshot-delete <vmid> <diskid> <disk_snapshot_id> Deletes a disk snapshot.

    • Valid options: end hourly monthly schedule weekly yearly
  • disk-snapshot-rename <vmid> <diskid> <disk_snapshot_id> <new_snapshot_name> Renames a disk snapshot.

  • disk-snapshot-revert <vmid> <diskid> <disk_snapshot_id> Reverts disk state to a previously taken snapshot.

    • Valid options: end hourly monthly schedule weekly yearly
  • hold <range|vmid_list> Sets the given VM on hold. A VM on hold is not scheduled until it is released. It can; however, be deployed manually; see vmsquared vm deploy

    • States: PENDING
    • Valid options: end hourly monthly schedule weekly yearly
  • list [<filterflag>] Lists VMs in the pool

    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand extended filter json kilobytes list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator search size xml yaml
  • lock <range|vmid_list> Locks a VM to prevent certain actions defined by different levels. The show and monitoring action will never be locked.

    • Valid states are: All.
    • [Use]: locks Admin, Manage and Use actions.
    • [Manage]: locks Manage and Use actions.
    • [Admin]: locks only Admin actions.
    • Valid options: admin all manage use
  • migrate <range|vmid_list> <hostid> [<datastoreid>] Migrates the given running VM to another Host. If used with --live parameter the migration is done without downtime.

    • States: RUNNING
    • Valid options: enforce live poweroff poweroff_hard
  • nic-attach <vmid> Attaches a NIC to a running VM. When using --file add only one NIC instance.
    To attach a NIC alias, use --file or --alias option.

    • Valid options: alias file ip network nic_name
  • nic-detach <vmid> <nicid> Detaches a NIC from a running VM.

  • port-forward <vmid> [<port>] Get port forwarding from a NIC, e.g: -> 1

    Means that to connect to VM port 1, you need to connect to IP in port 4000

    • Valid options: nic_id
  • poweroff <range|vmid_list> Powers off the given VM. The VM will remain in the poweroff state, and can be powered on with the vmsquared vm resume command.

    • States: RUNNING
    • Valid options: end hard hourly monthly schedule weekly yearly
  • reboot <range|vmid_list> Reboots the given VM, this is equivalent to execute the reboot command from the VM console.
    The VM will be ungracefully rebooted if --hard is used.

    • States: RUNNING
    • Valid options: end hard hourly monthly schedule weekly yearly
  • recover <range|vmid_list> Recovers a stuck VM that is waiting for a driver operation. The recovery may be done by failing, succeeding, or retrying the current operation. YOU NEED TO MANUALLY CHECK THE VM STATUS ON THE HOST, to decide if the operation was successful or not, or if it can be retried.


    A VM is stuck in “migrate” because of a hardware failure. You need to check if the VM is running in the new host or not to recover the VM with --success or --failure, respectively.

    • States for success/failure recovers: Any ACTIVE state.
    • States for a retry recover: Any FAILURE state
    • States for delete: Any
    • States for delete-recreate: Any state, but for STOP/UNDEPLOYED
    • States for delete-db: Any

    • Valid options: delete deletedb failure interactive recreate retry success
  • release <range|vmid_list> Releases a VM on hold. See vmsquared vm hold

    • States: HOLD
    • Valid options: end hourly monthly schedule weekly yearly
  • rename <vmid> <name> Renames the VM.

  • resched <range|vmid_list> Sets the rescheduling flag for the VM.

  • resize <vmid> Resizes the capacity of a Virtual Machine (offline, the VM cannot be RUNNING).

    • Valid options: cpu enforce file memory vcpu
  • restore <vmid> Restores a VM from a previous backup.

    • Valid options: datastore logger
  • resume <range|vmid_list> Resumes the execution of a saved VM.

    • Valid options: end hourly monthly schedule weekly yearly
  • save <vmid> <name> Clones the VM’s source Template, replacing the disks with live snapshots of the current disks. The VM capacity and NICs are also preserved.

    • States: POWEROFF
    • Valid options: persistent
  • sg-attach <vmid> <nicid> <sgid> Attaches a Security Group to a VM.

    • States: All, except BOOT, MIGRATE and HOTPLUG_NIC
  • sg-detach <vmid> <nicid> <sgid> Detaches a Security Group from a VM.

    • States: All, except BOOT, MIGRATE and HOTPLUG_NIC
  • show <vmid> Shows information for the given VM.

    • Valid options: all decrypt json xml yaml
  • snapshot-create <range|vmid_list> [<name>] Creates a new VM snapshot.

    • Valid options: end hourly monthly schedule weekly yearly
  • snapshot-delete <vmid> <snapshot_id> Deletes a snapshot of a VM.

    • Valid options: end hourly monthly schedule weekly yearly
  • snapshot-revert <vmid> <snapshot_id> Reverts a VM to a saved snapshot.

    • Valid options: end hourly monthly schedule weekly yearly
  • ssh <vmid> [<login>] SSH into VM.

    Options example

    '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null'

    • Valid options: cmd nic_id ssh_opts
  • stop <range|vmid_list> Stops a running VM. The VM state is saved and transferred back to the front-end along with the disk files.

    • States: RUNNING
    • Valid options: end hourly monthly schedule weekly yearly
  • suspend <range|vmid_list> Saves a running VM. It is the same as vmsquared vm stop, but the files are left in the remote machine to later restart the VM there (i.e. the resources are not freed and there is no need to re-schedule the VM).

    • States: RUNNING
    • Valid options: end hourly monthly schedule weekly yearly
  • terminate <range|vmid_list> Terminates the given VM. The VM life cycle will end.
    With --hard it unplugs the VM.

    • States: valid if no operation is being performed on the VM
    • Valid options: end hard hourly monthly schedule weekly yearly
  • top [<filterflag>] Lists Images continuously.

    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay expand extended filter json kilobytes list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • undeploy <range|vmid_list> Shuts down the given VM. The VM is saved in the system Datastore.
    With --hard it unplugs the VM.

    • States: RUNNING
    • Valid options: end hard hourly monthly schedule weekly yearly
  • unlock <range|vmid_list> Unlocks a Virtual Machine.

    • Valid states are: All.
  • unresched <range|vmid_list> Clears the rescheduling flag for the VM.

  • update <vmid> [<file>] Update the user template contents. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to modify the current content.

    • Valid options: append
  • update-chart <vmid> <sched_id> [<file>] Updates a charter from a VM.

  • updateconf <vmid> [<file>] Updates the configuration of a VM.

    • Valid states are: running pending failure poweroff undeploy hold or cloning.
      In RUNNING state only changes in CONTEXT take effect immediately, other values may need a VM restart.

    This command accepts a template file or opens an editor, the full list of configuration attributes are:

    - OS        = ["ARCH", "MACHINE", "KERNEL", "INITRD", "BOOTLOADER", "BOOT", "UUID"]
    - INPUT     = ["TYPE", "BUS"]
    - RAW       = ["DATA", "DATA_VMX", "TYPE", "VALIDATE"]
    - CPU_MODEL = ["MODEL"]
    - CONTEXT (any value, **variable substitution will be made**)
    • Valid options: append
  • vnc <vmid> Opens a VNC session to the VM

    • Valid options: vnc

Argument Formats

  • datastoreid VM Squared DATASTORE name or ID.

  • disk_snapshot_id Disk_snapshot identifier.

  • diskid Integer.

  • file Path to a file.

  • filterflag

    • a, all all the known VMs
    • m, mine the VM belonging to the user in ONE_AUTH
    • g, group ‘mine’ plus the VM belonging to the groups the user is member of
    • G, primary group the VM owned by the user’s primary group
    • uid VM of the user identified by this uid
    • user VM of the user identified by the username
  • groupid VM Squared GROUP name or ID.

  • hostid VM Squared HOST name or ID.

  • range List of id’s in the form 1,8..15.

  • size Disk size in MiB.

  • snapshot_id Snapshot identifier.

  • text String.

  • userid VM Squared USER name or ID.

  • vmid VM Squared VM name or ID.

  • vmid_list Comma-separated list of VM Squared VM names or IDs.

vmsquared vnet

manages VM Squared networks.

Synopsis vmsquared vnet <command> [<args>] [<options>]


-a, --address_range ar_id ID of the address range
--adjust x,y,z            Adjust size to not truncate selected columns
--admin                   lock admin actions
--all                     lock all actions
-a, --append              Append new attributes to the current template
-c, --cluster id|name     Selects the cluster
--csv                     Write table in csv format
--csv-del del             Set delimiter for csv output
--decrypt                 Get decrypted attributes
-d, --delay x             Sets the delay in seconds for top command
--delete                  No recover action possible, delete the Virtual
--describe                Describe list columns
--endpoint endpoint       URL of VM Squared xmlrpc frontend
--endpoint endpoint       URL of VM Squared xmlrpc frontend
--expand [x=prop,y=prop]  Expands the columns size to fill the terminal.
                          For example: $vmsquared vnet list --expand
                          name=0.4,group=0.6 will expand name 40% and
                          group 60%. 
                          $vmsquared vnet list --expand name,group will
                          expand name and group based on its size. 
                          $vmsquared vnet list --expand will expand all columns.
--extended                Show info extended (it only works with xml
--failure                 Recover a Virtual Network by failing the pending
-f, --filter x,y,z        Filter data. An array is specified with
                          column=value pairs.
                          Valid operators: =,!=,<,<=,>,>=,~ 
                          e.g. NAME=test (match name with test) 
                          NAME~test (match every NAME containing the substring 'test')
--force                   Force execution of action, bypass the consistency
--gateway ip              IP of the gateway
-h, --help                Show this message
-h, --help                Show this message
-i, --ip ip               First IP address in . notation
-6, --ip6 ip6             First IPv6 address, in CIDR notation 
                          e.g. 2001::1/48
-g, --ip6_global ip6_pref IP6 global prefix
-u, --ip6_ula ip6_pref    IP6 ula prefix
-j, --json                Show the resource in JSON format
-k, --kilobytes           Show units in kilobytes
-l, --list x,y,z          Selects columns to display with list command
-c, --listconf conf       Selects a predefined column list
-m, --mac mac             First MAC address in : notation
--manage                  lock manage actions
-n, --name reservation name 
                          Name of the address reservation
--netmask mask            Netmask in dot notation
--no-expand               Disable expand
--no-header               Hides the header of the table
--no-pager                Disable pagination
-n, --numeric             Do not translate user and group IDs
--operator operator       Logical operator used on filters: AND, OR.
                          Default: AND.
--password password       Password to authenticate with VM Squared
--password password       Password to authenticate with VM Squared
--show-ar                 Show also AR templates
-s, --size size           Number of addresses
--success                 Recover a Virtual Network by succeeding the
                          pending action
--use                     lock use actions
--user name               User name used to connect to VM Squared
--user name               User name used to connect to VM Squared
-v, --verbose             Verbose mode
-v, --verbose             Verbose mode
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
--vlanid id               VLAN ID assigned
--vn_mad mad              Use this driver for the network
-x, --xml                 Show the resource in xml format
-y, --yaml                Show the resource in YAML format


  • addar <vnetid> [<file>] Adds an address range to the Virtual Network

    • Valid options: endpoint gateway help ip ip6 ip6_global ip6_ula mac netmask password size user verbose version vlanid vn_mad
  • chgrp <range|vnetid_list> <groupid> Changes the Virtual Network group.

  • chmod <range|vnetid_list> <octet> Changes the Virtual Network permissions.

  • chown <range|vnetid_list> <userid> [<groupid>] Changes the Virtual Network owner and group.

  • create <file> Creates a new Virtual Network from the given template file

    • Valid options: cluster
  • delete <range|vnetid_list> Deletes the given Virtual Network.

  • free <vnetid> <ar_id> Frees a reserved address range from the Virtual Network.

  • hold <vnetid> <ip> Holds a Virtual Network lease, marking it as used

    • Valid options: address_range endpoint help password user verbose version
  • list [<filterflag>] Lists Virtual Networks in the pool

    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand extended filter json kilobytes list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • lock <range|vnetid_list> Locks a Virtual Network to prevent certain actions defined by different levels. The show action will never be locked.

    • Valid states are: All.
    • Levels:
      • [Use]: locks Admin, Manage and Use actions.
      • [Manage]: locks Manage and Use actions.
      • [Admin]: locks only Admin actions.
    • Valid options: admin all manage use
  • orphans Shows orphan virtual networks (i.e virtual networks not referenced in any template).

  • recover <range|vmid_list> Recovers a Virtual Network in ERROR state or waiting for a driver operation to complete. The recovery may be done by failing, succeeding or retrying the current operation.
    YOU NEED TO MANUALLY CHECK THE VIRTUAL NETWORK STATUS, to decide if the operation was successful or not, or if it can be retried.

    • States for success/failure recovers: LOCK_CREATE, LOCK_DELETE state.
    • States for a retry recover: LOCK_CREATE, LOCK_DELETE state
    • States for delete: Any but READY
    • Valid options: delete failure success
  • release <vnetid> <ip> Releases a Virtual Network lease on hold

    • Valid options: address_range endpoint help password user verbose version
  • rename <vnetid> <name> Renames the Virtual Network.

  • reserve <vnetid> [<vnetid>] Reserve addresses from the Virtual Network. A new virtual network will be created to hold the reservation. Optionally, the reservation can be put on an existing VNET, as long as it contains a valid reservation from the same VNET

    • Valid options: address_range endpoint help ip ip6 mac name password size user verbose version
  • rmar <vnetid> <ar_id> Removes an address range from the Virtual Network

    • Valid options: force
  • show <vnetid> Shows information for the given Virtual Network.

    • Valid options: decrypt json show_ar xml yaml
  • unlock <range|vnetid_list> Unlocks a Virtual Network.

    • Valid states are: All.
  • update <vnetid> [<file>] Update the template contents. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to modify the current content.

    • Valid options: append
  • updatear <vnetid> <ar_id> [<file>] Update Address Range variables. SIZE, IP, MAC and TYPE cannot be updated

    • Valid options: append

Argument Formats

  • ar_id Integer.

  • file Path to a file.

  • filterflag

    • a, all all the known Virtual Networks
    • m, mine the VNET belonging to the user in ONE_AUTH
    • g, group ‘mine’ plus the VNET belonging to the groups the user is member of
    • G, primary group the VNET owned by the user’s primary group
    • uid VNET of the user identified by this uid
    • user VNET of the user identified by the username
  • groupid VM Squared GROUP name or ID.

  • range List of id’s in the form 1,8..15.

  • text String.

  • userid VM Squared USER name or ID.

  • vnetid VM Squared VNET name or ID.

  • vnetid_list Comma-separated list of VM Squared VNET names or IDs.

vmsquared vntemplate

manages Virtual Network Templates.

Synopsis vmsquared vntemplate <command> [<args>] [<options>]


--adjust x,y,z            Adjust size to not truncate selected columns
--admin                   lock admin actions
--all                     lock all actions
-a, --append              Append new attributes to the current template
--as_gid gid              The Group ID to instantiate the VM
--as_uid uid              The User ID to instantiate the VM
--csv                     Write table in csv format
--csv-del del             Set delimiter for csv output
-d, --delay x             Sets the delay in seconds for top command
--describe                Describe list columns
--dry                     Just print the template
--endpoint endpoint       URL of VM Squared xmlrpc frontend
--expand [x=prop,y=prop]  Expands the columns size to fill the terminal.
                          For example: $vmsquared vntemplate list --expand
                          name=0.4,group=0.6 will expand name 40% and
                          group 60%.
                          $vmsquared vntemplate list --expand name,group will
                          expand name and group based on its size. 
                          $vmsquared vntemplate list --expand will expand all columns.
--extended                Process the template and included extended
-f, --filter x,y,z        Filter data. An array is specified with
                          column=value pairs. 
                          Valid operators: =,!=,<,<=,>,>=,~ 
                          e.g. NAME=test (match name with test) 
                          NAME~test (match every NAME containing the substring 'test')
--gateway ip              IP of the gateway
-h, --help                Show this message
-i, --ip ip               First IP address in . notation
-6, --ip6 ip6             First IPv6 address, in CIDR notation 
                          e.g. 2001::1/48
-g, --ip6_global ip6_pref IP6 global prefix
-u, --ip6_ula ip6_pref    IP6 ula prefix
-j, --json                Show the resource in JSON format
-l, --list x,y,z          Selects columns to display with list command
-c, --listconf conf       Selects a predefined column list
-m, --mac mac             First MAC address in : notation
--manage                  lock manage actions
-m, --multiple x          Instance multiple VNs
--name name               Name of the new VN TEMPLATE. When instantiating
                          multiple VNs you can use the "%i" wildcard to
                          produce different names such as vm-0, vm-1...
--netmask mask            Netmask in dot notation
--no-expand               Disable expand
--no-header               Hides the header of the table
--no-pager                Disable pagination
-n, --numeric             Do not translate user and group IDs
--operator operator       Logical operator used on filters: AND, OR.
                          Default: AND.
--password password       Password to authenticate with VM Squared
--prefix prefix           Prefix to autogenerate name
                          e.g: 001, 01
-s, --size size           Number of addresses
--use                     lock use actions
--user name               User name used to connect to VM Squared
-v, --verbose             Verbose mode
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
--vlanid id               VLAN ID assigned
--vn_mad mad              Use this driver for the network
-x, --xml                 Show the resource in xml format
-y, --yaml                Show the resource in YAML format


  • chgrp <range|templateid_list> <groupid> Changes the Virtual Network Template group.

  • chmod <range|templateid_list> <octet> Changes the Virtual Network Template permissions.

  • chown <range|templateid_list> <userid> [<groupid>] Changes the Virtual Network Template owner and group.

  • clone <templateid> <name> Creates a new Virtual Network Template from an existing one.

  • create [<file>] Creates a new Virtual Network Template from the given description.


    Using a Virtual Network Template description file:

    vmsquared vntemplate create vn_description.tmpl

    • Valid options: dry
  • delete <range|templateid_list> Deletes the given Virtual Network Template.

  • instantiate <templateid> [<file>] Creates a new Virtual Network instance from the given Virtual Network Template. This Virtual Network can be managed with the vmsquared vnet command.
    The source Template can be modified adding or replacing attributes with the optional file argument, or with the options.

    • Valid options: as_gid as_uid extended gateway ip ip6 ip6_global ip6_ula mac multiple name netmask prefix size vlanid vn_mad
  • list [<filterflag>] Lists Virtual Network Templates in the pool.

    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand filter json list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • lock <range|templateid_list> Locks a Virtual Network Template to prevent certain actions defined by different levels. The show action will never be locked.

    • Valid states are: All.
    • Levels:
      • [Use]: locks Admin, Manage and Use actions.
      • [Manage]: locks Manage and Use actions.
      • [Admin]: locks only Admin actions.
    • Valid options: admin all manage use
  • rename <templateid> <name> Renames the Virtual Network Template.

  • show <templateid> Shows information for the given Virtual Network Template

    • Valid options: extended json xml yaml
  • top [<filterflag>] Lists Templates continuously.

    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand filter json list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • unlock <range|templateid_list> Unlocks a Virtual Network Template.

    • Valid states are: All.
  • update <templateid> [<file>] Update the Virtual Network template contents. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to modify the current content.

    • Valid options: append

Argument Formats

  • file Path to a file.

  • filterflag

    • a, all all the known VNTEMPLATEs
    • m, mine the VNTEMPLATE belonging to the user in ONE_AUTH
    • g, group ‘mine’ plus the VNTEMPLATE belonging to the groups the user is member of
    • G, primary group the VNTEMPLATE owned by the user’s primary group
    • uid VNTEMPLATE of the user identified by this uid
    • user VNTEMPLATE of the user identified by the username
  • groupid VM Squared GROUP name or ID.

  • range List of ID’s in the form 1,8..15.

  • templateid VM Squared VNTEMPLATE name or ID.

  • templateid_list Comma-separated list of VM Squared VNTEMPLATE names or IDs.

  • text String.

  • userid VM Squared USER name or ID.

vmsquared vrouter

manages VM Squared Virtual Routers.

Synopsis vmsquared vrouter <command> [<args>] [<options>]


--adjust x,y,z            Adjust size to not truncate selected columns
--admin                   lock admin actions
--all                     Show all template data
-a, --append              Append new attributes to the current template
--arch arch               Architecture of the VM 
                          e.g.: i386 or x86_64
--as_gid gid              The Group ID to instantiate the VM
--as_uid uid              The User ID to instantiate the VM
--boot device_list        Set boot device list 
                          e.g. disk0,disk2,nic0
--context line1,line2,line3 
                          Lines to add to the context section
--cpu cpu                 CPU percentage reserved for the VM (1=100% one
--csv                     Write table in csv format
--csv-del del             Set delimiter for csv output
-d, --delay x             Sets the delay in seconds for top command
--describe                Describe list columns
--disk image0,image1      Disks to attach. To use an image owned by other
                          user use user[disk]. Add any additional
                          attributes separated by ':' and in the shape of
                          For example, if the disk must be resized, use image0:size=1000 . 
                          Or, image0:size=1000:target=vda,image1:target=vdb
--endpoint endpoint       URL of VM Squared xmlrpc frontend
--expand [x=prop,y=prop]  Expands the columns size to fill the terminal.
                          For example: $vmsquared vrouter list --expand
                          name=0.4,group=0.6 will expand name 40% and
                          group 60%. 
                          $vmsquared vrouter list --expand name,group will
                          expand name and group based on its size. 
                          $vmsquared vrouter list --expand will expand all columns.
-f, --file file           Selects the template file
--files_ds file1,file2    Add files to the contextualization CD from
                          thefiles datastore
-f, --filter x,y,z        Filter data. An array is specified with
                          column=value pairs. 
                          Valid operators: =,!=,<,<=,>,>=,~ 
                          e.g. NAME=test (match name with test) 
                          NAME~test (match every NAME containing the substring 'test')
--float                   Makes this IP request a Floating one
-h, --help                Show this message
--hold                    Creates the new VM on hold state instead of
--init script1,script2    Script or scripts to start in context
-i, --ip ip               IP address for the new NIC
-j, --json                Show the resource in JSON format
-l, --list x,y,z          Selects columns to display with list command
-c, --listconf conf       Selects a predefined column list
--manage                  lock manage actions
--memory memory           Memory amount given to the VM. 
                          By default the unit is megabytes. 
                          To use gigabytes add a 'g', floats can be used: 8g=8192, 0.5g=512
-m, --multiple x          Instance multiple VMs
--name name               Name of the new VM or TEMPLATE. When
                          instantiating multiple VMs you can use the "%i"
                          wildcard to produce different names such as
                          vm-0, vm-1...
--net_context             Add network contextualization parameters
-n, --network id|name     Selects the virtual network
--nic network0,network1   Networks to attach. To use a network owned by
                          other user use user[network]. Additional
                          attributes are supported like with the --disk
                          option. Also you can use auto if you want that
                          VM Squared select automatically the network
--no-expand               Disable expand
--no-header               Hides the header of the table
--no-pager                Disable pagination
-n, --numeric             Do not translate user and group IDs
--operator operator       Logical operator used on filters: AND, OR.
                          Default: AND.
--password password       Password to authenticate with VM Squared
--raw string              Raw string to add to the template. Not to be
                          confused with the RAW attribute
--report_ready            Sends READY=YES to OneGate, useful for OneFlow
-s, --size x=size,y=size  Change the size of selected columns. 
                          For example:
                          $ vmsquared vrouter list --size "name=20" will make column
                          name size 20.
--spice                   Add spice server to the VM
--spice-keymap keymap     spice keyboard layout
--spice-listen ip         spice IP where to listen for connections. By
                          default is (all interfaces).
--spice-password password spice password
--ssh [file]              Add an ssh public key to the context. If the file
                          is omitted then the user variable SSH_PUBLIC_KEY
                          will be used.
--startscript [file]      Start script to be executed
--use                     lock use actions
--user name               User name used to connect to VM Squared
--user-inputs ui1,ui2,ui3 Specify the user inputs values when instantiating
--vcenter_vm_folder path  In a vCenter environment sets the the VMs and
                          Template folder where the VM will be placed in.
                          The path uses slashes to separate folders. 
                          For example: --vcenter_vm_folder "/Management/VMs"
--vcpu vcpu               Number of virtualized CPUs
-v, --verbose             Verbose mode
-V, --version             Show version and copyright information
--vnc                     Add VNC server to the VM
--vnc-keymap keymap       VNC keyboard layout
--vnc-listen ip           VNC IP where to listen for connections. 
                          By default is (all interfaces).
--vnc-password password   VNC password
-x, --xml                 Show the resource in xml format
-y, --yaml                Show the resource in YAML format


  • chgrp <range|vrouterid_list> <groupid> Changes the Virtual Router group.

  • chmod <range|vrouterid_list> <octet> Changes the Virtual Router permissions.

  • chown <range|vrouterid_list> <userid> [<groupid>] Changes the Virtual Router owner and group.

  • create <file> Creates a new Virtual Router from the given description.

  • delete <range|vrouterid_list> Deletes the given Virtual Router.

  • instantiate <vrouterid> <templateid> [<file>] Creates a new VM instance from the given Template. This VM can be managed with the vmsquared vrouter command.

    The NIC elements defined in the Virtual Router will be used. The source Template can be modified adding or replacing attributes with the optional file argument, or with the options.

    • Valid options: arch as_gid as_uid boot context cpu disk files_ds hold init memory multiple name net_context nic raw report_ready spice spice_keymap spice_listen spice_password ssh startscript user_inputs vcenter_vm_folder vcpu vnc vnc_keymap vnc_listen vnc_password
  • list [<filterflag>] Lists the Virtual Routers in the pool.

    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand filter json list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • lock <range|vrouterid_list> Locks a Virtual Router to prevent certain actions defined by different levels. The show action will never be locked.

    • Valid states are: All.
    • Levels:
      • [Use]: locks Admin, Manage and Use actions.
      • [Manage]: locks Manage and Use actions.
      • [Admin]: locks only Admin actions.
    • Valid options: admin all manage use
  • nic-attach <vrouterid> Attaches a NIC to a Virtual Router, and each one of its VMs. When using --file add only one NIC instance.

    If you are using a HA configuration for this router, --float can be added. When an IP is requested in HA clusters use --float.

    • Valid options: file float ip network
  • nic-detach <vrouterid> <nicid> Detaches a NIC from a Virtual Router, and each one of its VMs.

  • rename <vrouterid> <name> Renames the Virtual Router.

  • show <vrouterid> Shows information for the given Virtual Router

    • Valid options: all json xml yaml
  • top [<filterflag>] Lists Virtual Routers continuously.

    • Valid options: adjust csv csv_del delay describe expand filter json list listconf no_expand no_header no_pager numeric operator size xml yaml
  • unlock <range|vrouterid_list> Unlocks a Virtual Router.

    • Valid states are: All.
  • update <vrouterid> [<file>] Update the Virtual Router contents. If a path is not provided the editor will be launched to modify the current content.

    • Valid options: append

Argument Formats

  • file Path to a file.

  • filterflag

    • a, all all the known VROUTERs
    • m, mine the VROUTER belonging to the user in ONE_AUTH
    • g, group ‘mine’ plus the VROUTER belonging to the groups the user is member of
    • G, primary group the VROUTER owned by the user’s primary group
    • uid VROUTER of the user identified by this uid
    • user VROUTER of the user identified by the username
  • groupid VM Squared GROUP name or ID

  • range List of ID’s in the form 1,8..15.

  • templateid VM Squared VMTEMPLATE name or ID.

  • text String.

  • userid VM Squared USER name or ID.

  • vrouterid VM Squared VROUTER name or ID.

  • vrouterid_list Comma-separated list of VM Squared VROUTER names or IDs.