
This command is used to set up and tear down a network interface for use with external infrastructure such as NFS or iSCSI.

VMsquared:vmsquared\node1> manage-extinfra -h

manage-extinfra: handle ext-infra iface configuration

  -h|--help:    display this text
  iface:        setup iface
  list:         show iface configuration

Further help can be obtained for each subcommand
VMsquared: vmsquared\node1> manage-extinfra iface -h

manage-extinfraiface: handle the ext-infra iface configuration

  -s:     iscsi nfs (service)
  -a:     address
  -m:     address net mask
  -v:     VLAN tag (optional)
  -Z:     Zap the interface
  -h:     help; this text
VMsquared:vmsquared\node1> manage-extinfra list -h

manage-extinfra list: show ext-infra configuration

  -s:     list service configured ifaces (iscsi nfs)
  -i:     list configured ifaces
  -v:     list vlan hosts
  -V:     list vlans
  -h:     help; this text