Create an iSCSI Initiator

To create a VM Squared cluster that uses iSCSI targets for storage, the same installation steps are required as with a cluster using direct attached storage. However, an additional step is required at the end of Install first node and Install remaining nodes to create an iSCSI initiator to attach the targets.

Although the data storage pool can be provided by an iSCSI target, at least one drive per host (8 GB or more) is needed for the boot partition.

VM Squared needs some storage to start Turbine, the hypervisor. Consequently, if iSCSI is being used for storage, it must be configured on the first host before either Glasshouse or the Dashboard Console become available.

On the first node iSCSI initiator MUST be configured from the host console using the ssh command

Configure first node

Install boot image

Follow all the steps outlined in Install first node but do not attempt to connect to the Web UI.


Turbine, the hypervisor, will not start until storage has been configured on the first node.

Configure iSCSI Target

To configure iSCSI target the user must log into the console.

From the host console we must:

  • configure the iSCSI initiator interface
  • obtain the initiator IQN
  • discover the target portal

All three tasks can be performed using the iscsi-setup command.

  1. Set up the node iSCSI initiator portal/interface:
VMsquared:vmsquared\node1> iscsi-setup iface -h

iscsi-setup iface: handle iSCSI initiator iface configuration

  -a:     address
  -m:     address net mask
  -v:     VLAN tag (optional)
  -Z:     Zap the interface
  -h:     help; this text
VMsquared:vmsquared\node1> iscsi-setup iface -a -m -v 7

About to set up iface with (VLAN: 7) on host si-overlapped-1
A later change might require an expert intervention

Proceed? [n]/y y


Make sure iSCSI interface does not share the Dashboard interface address and VLAN.

  1. Obtain this node IQN for the target portal discovery:
VMsquared:vmsquared\node1> iscsi-setup iqn -h

iscsi-setup iqn: handle initiator iqn

  -h:     help; this text
VMsquared:vmsquared\node1> iscsi-setup iqn
  1. Discover the target portal:
VMsquared:vmsquared\node1> iscsi-setup discovery -h

iscsi-setup discovery: handle portal discovery

  -I:     iface to use; e.g iscsi.7; see also 'list -i'
  -p:     the portal to scan
  -C:     commit recently discovered targets
  -Z:     zap recently discovered targets
  -h:     help; this text
VMsquared:vmsquared\node1> iscsi-setup discovery -I iscsi.7 -p
About to trigger portal target discovery on host: si-overlapped-1, iface: iscsi.7
This will map all targets available to the initiator: in state: present
A later change might require an expert intervention
It is recommended to 'list' the tracked targets before proceeding.

Proceed? [n]/y y
  1. The cluster has been successfully set up. Note that it may take up to ten minutes to become fully available.

Connect to Glasshouse

Once the dashboard is present and fully booted you can now login to Glasshouse, the management GUI.

Glasshouse can be accessed from the browser: https://<dashboard_ip>/

Enter the admin credentials into the respective fields.

Dashboard GUI

Configure remaining nodes


The conversion of an unsupported single-node deployment to a supported multi-node cluster is an irreversible operation and cannot be undone.

The minimum supported multi-node cluster is three (3). A two-node cluster is unsupported, except in the case where transitioning from a single node to a cluster, or while a three-node cluster is recovering from node failure.

Install boot images

Follow all the steps outlined in Install remaining nodes

Configure iSCSI targets

After installing the boot, follow the same steps to configure iSCSI targets as the first node of the cluster. At this point, the Dashboard is running so the ssh command is available as an alternative for host console access.

  1. Set up the 2nd node iSCSI inititiator interface
VMsquared:vmsquared\node2> iscsi-setup iface -a -m -v 7

About to set up iface with (VLAN: 7) on host si-overlapped-2
A later change might require an expert intervention

Proceed? [n]/y y


Make sure iSCSI interface does not share the Dashboard interface address and VLAN.

  1. Obtain 2nd node IQN for the target portal discovery:
VMsquared:vmsquared\node2> iscsi-setup iqn
  1. Discover the target portal:
VMsquared:vmsquared\node2> iscsi-setup discovery -I iscsi.7 -p
About to trigger portal target discovery on host: si-overlapped-2, iface: iscsi.7
This will map all targets available to the initiator: in state: present
A later change might require an expert intervention
It is recommended to 'list' the tracked targets before proceeding.

Proceed? [n]/y y
  1. The procedure can be repeated for the rest of the cluster nodes.