VM Storage Migration

VM Squared supports multiple pools of storage, allowing users to tier storage in pools based on different underlying disk technologies. For instance, you may have pools called “NVMe, SAS-SSD, SAS-HDD, SATA-HDD” which allow you to pick a price/performance point for VMs according to their storage needs.

Storage Migration of deployed VMs allows administrators to adjust the storage capacity or storage performance available to individual VMs.

To begin a Storage Migration, selct the VM and press the Host control button VM Host button . Choosing Migration opens the offline migration wizard.

Storage migration is currently an offline operation which requires that the VMs are in a powered off state.

  1. Select a host - leave this unchanged and select the host currently in use, only the storage will be updated.
  2. Advanced options - Storage Migration is contained here, select the target Datastore
  3. Click Finish

Once started your VM will enter the MIGRATING state until the move is completed.